America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Ferguson: City folks on farms

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Industry grouping to cause casualties

Hoover demands U.S. establish war council

By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Gen. MacArthur close to front

Jap bombing attempts miss his headquarters
By Harold Guard, United Press staff writer

Bombs wreck 21 Jap planes in Timor raid

Allied air force sinks 2 loaded enemy barges off New Guinea
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

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Target for victory over Italy is this map of the Italian booty, which will be blasted by bombs from end to end when the Allies culminate their action in North Africa with a campaign to knock the fascist partner of the Axis out of the war. Current RAF raids on Turin, Genoa and Milan – Italy’s heavy industry triangle – may be a prelude to even bigger bombings of bases and industrial areas shown on the map.

New York Archdiocese bars bingo in churches

Seaman sees U-boat blown from water off Africa

Carolina ore mining speeded

Kaiser, WPB, interested in huge deposits

Millett: Women in other lands are envied by girls left here

Mrs. America wants others to keep hands off her soldier for she’s jealous
By Ruth Millett

Ross proves hero in Guadalcanal ring

Fight veteran relates vivid story of battle
By Charles P. Arnot, United Press staff writer

Well… The Italians should definitely seek the advice of the man, the myth, the legend : Luigi Codorna and the Germans Conrad Von Hotzendorf on how to turn the North African theatre around

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You’re 14 years too late for ol’ Luigi lol.

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He is dead? Kurwa, I am team allies now. Just like Italy. (Spoilers sorry)

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Yes, he died in 1928.

:rofl: :rofl: You’d have known some incompetent buffoons in our Armed Forces as well. Hope a certain general doesn’t screw up Tunisia. :pray:

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Still haven’t caught up… So I don’t know about a certain general screwing up.

PS : don’t tell me the sexy mustache man Conrad is dead to?

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You’ll see in a few months… :wink:

Yes, he’s dead too. Died in 1925.

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No I wanted to see those memes return

Well so far this war we only have Benito as the meme?

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Back in 1942, if the internet existed, a lot of people would’ve made memes on the rationing situation, women in the Armed Forces, the scrap drives, Roosevelt’s shenanigans, the situation at Guadalcanal and the Japs being Japs lol. And of course, Mussolini being Mussolini.

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Well at least the japs didn’t invent something called hentai. The entire miltary would have commited seppaku right there after seeing.

America should have worked on the H-Bomb instead of the A-Bomb

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