America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Rubber made from wood by Swedish chemist

Demands of singer turned down by DAR

Sticker to specify extra gas rations

Priest demands end to interracial strife

Millett: Army wives lose self-pity after visits

When they see husbands in camp a change is revealed
By Ruth Millett

New materials plan seen spur to winning war

Program designed to control flow of steel, copper and aluminum

Nazis confiscate U.S. church in Paris

Völkischer Beobachter (November 5, 1942)

Japanische Luftangriffe

tc. Tokio, 4. November –
Seit dem kürzlich erfolgten japanischen Luftangriff auf anglo-amerikanische Ziele in Tschittagong sind drei neue gleichartige Aktionen der japanischen Heeresluftwaffe erfolgt‚ wie von einem japanischen Flughafen in Burma gemeldet wird. Die Angriffe richteten sich gegen englisch-amerikanische Flugplätze in Indien. Dabei wurden 53 feindliche Flugzeuge in der Luft zerstört.

USA.-Truppen von zwei Seiten umfaßt –
Die Kämpfe auf Guadalcanar

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

Stockholm, 4. November –
Marineminister Knox warnte am Dienstag die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit vor übertriebenem Optimismus über den Ausgang der Schlacht um die Salomoninseln. Er sagte unter anderem:

Es gibt keinen Grund zum Optimismus. Wir wissen, daß die Japaner über eine Flotte von mächtigem Umfang verfügen und wir zweifeln nicht, daß sie wiederkommen werden.

Die Amerikaner sind auf der Insel Guadalcanar in eine noch schwierigere Lage geraten‚ da es den Japanern gelang, den wichtigen Flugplatz Henderson nun vom Osten und vom Westen zu umfassen, nachdem Verstärkungen an der Nordküste von Guadalcanar gelandet wurden.

Roosevelt plant Arbeitsmobilisierung

dnb. Vigo, 4. November –
Wie aus Washington gemeldet wird, will Roosevelt jetzt zur vollständigen Mobilisierung des Landes schreiten. Man erwartet die Einberufung der 18- und 19jährigen‚ dann eine Verschärfung der Regierungskontrolle über die Industrie und als Überraschendstes die tatsächliche Mobilisierung aller Arbeitskräfte des Landes. Nach dem Entwurf wird jeder Mann, jede Frau künftig gezwungen werden können‚ eine zugewiesene Beschäftigung anzunehmen. Arbeitszeit und Lohn – ein Standardlohn – werden gesetzlich festgelegt werden.

Wenn das vor einem Jahr jemand den Amerikanern gesagt hätte…!

U.S. Navy Department (November 5, 1942)

Communiqué No. 182

South Pacific.
On November 1, Army aircraft bombed enemy supply dumps and troop concentrations on the north coast of Guadalcanal Island in the vicinity of Kokumbona. No opposition was encountered.

On November 3:

  1. U.S. troops continued successful attacks against enemy positions west of the Matanikau River. Three field pieces, twelve 37-mm. light artillery guns and 30 machine guns were captured and 350 Japanese were killed.

  2. During the night of November, U.S. naval forces shelled 3-4 enemy positions near Kokumbona.

  3. During the night of November 3-4, further enemy forces were landed on the north coast of Guadalcanal, east of Koli Point. After an initial repulse at dawn on November 4, U.S. Marines are pressing their attack on these enemy troops.

The Pittsburgh Press (November 5, 1942)

Yankee Doodle Dandy ‘Over There’
George M. Cohan dies

Spent 54 years of life in theater
By Martin Kane, United Press staff writer

Screenshot 2021-11-05 120520

New York –
George M. Cohan, the Yankee Doodle Dandy who wrote the best war song since “Dixie,” died today in the midst of a new world war for which “Over There” might mean any part of the globe.

He died at 5 a.m. in his 5th Avenue apartment, surrounded by his wife, his son, George Jr., and his daughter, Mary and Helen.

Cohan, who was 64, succumbed to an intestinal ailment which forced him to undergo an operation a year ago and from which he never fully recovered.

54 years in show world

The song and dance man – his own choice as the most fitting summation of his 54 years in the theater – was still enfeebled from the long, eventually fatal illness when Japan struck at Pearl Harbor. He wrote another war song. The tune was sprightly, with the old Cohan lilt, and the words rang true, but it was not the perfect wedding of lyrics and music which made “Over There” the marching song of a million Yanks.

On the eve of publication, it was decided to let the song rest on the shelf. That decision fulfilled his own intuition, expressed two years ago, when he said:

I hope America will never need another war song. But if we do need one, it will have to be written by some young fellow.

Star in every phase

George M. lived through the heyday of the American theater and was a star in every phase of popular entertainment.

He saw vaudeville reach its zenith and perish, and was one of its brightest marquee lights.

He gave musical comedy a star-spangled zest it has lacked since he left it.

He scored a triumph of legitimate acting in a Pulitzer Prize play written by the darling of the intelligentsia – Eugene O’Neill’s Ah, Wilderness!.

Kidded Roosevelt

In I’d Rather Be Right, he kidded President Roosevelt and won guffaws from the White House.

He scored a hit on the radio and acted in the movies, but he and Hollywood were divorced by mutual consent on grounds of incompatibility. He was more at home on Broadway.

He saw Broadway disappear into the side streets.

Any authorized biography of Cohan will record that he was born, in the words of one of his songs, “on the Fourth of July.” Old-time vaudevillians who trouped with his parents, Jeremiah and Helen Costigan Cohan, before Georgie was born, have been known to argue over a reminiscent beer that it wasn’t so, but even they dispute the time and place. If the records err, the mistake is understandable, for one-night stands have a disturbing effect on the space-time concepts of show business.

The official who’s-who version is the apt one, that he was born July 4, 1878, in Providence, Rhode Island. Before he joined his sister Josie in the Four Cohans at the age of 10, he sawed a fiddle in orchestra pits. For all the melodies he composed in later years, his formal musical knowledge never extended beyond a firm grasp on four chords in F-sharp. But he knew what people would whistle.

Known for kindliness

He was a skinny youngster who didn’t weigh 100 pounds until he was 27. He was also irascible when confronted by managers who did not appreciate his budding genius. If the Four Cohans got less than top billing, Georgie fumed and raged, threatening that “someday” he would buy the theater and throw the manager into the street.

Yet his essential kindliness was so much a part of the Broadway legend that the love which actors hold for him survived even the bitterness of the 1919 strike of the Actors’ Equity Association, when he denounced and fought the strikers. The actors wrote a special clause exempting him from the necessity of compromising his principles by joining Equity.

Critics later cheer him

He had many fights. Critics who sneered at his early flag-waving came to cheer it and be cheered by it. Its culmination was “Over There,” which, like many another Cohan song, was “just dashed off” on the inspiration of a moment.

A gold medal, authorized by a special act of Congress, was presented to him by President Roosevelt in 1940 in recognition of what that song had done to lift a nation’s morale.

Hollywood, with which he had fought the only draw of his career, eventually honored him with a film biography in Technicolor, something even Émile Zola didn’t rate. James Cagney played the lead in Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Cohan’s first wife was Ethel Levey, star of vaudeville and musical comedy in New York and London. After dissolution of the marriage, by which he had a daughter, Georgiana, he married Agnes Nolan, daughter of a Boston mail carrier, in June 1907. They had three children, Helen, Mary and George M. Jr.

Memory to live in song

A list of his successes as actor, songwriter, producer, manager, playwright would be interminable. Two plays, The Tavern and Seven Keys to Baldpate, at both of which the critics groaned, are still played in stock and amateur productions. There are scores of other comedies and musicals which knew his sure touch.

His partnership with Sam Harris resulted in Little Johnny Jones, Get-Rich-Quick-Wallingford, It Pays to Advertise and many other still-remembered hits which George M. wrote or rewrote.

But the memory of such productions, and songs like “Mary,” will fade like old playbills. The recollection of a gay blue eye, a derby’s tilt and the way a cane was twirled will not survive another generation. What will remain will be a song which kept time with the quickened heartbeat of a nation at war.

Appeal date delays treason execution

Detroit, Michigan (UP) –
Action on an appeal to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Cincinnati assured today that Max Stephan, German-born Detroit restaurateur convicted of treason, will not die on the gallows Nov. 13 ad scheduled.

The court’s action in setting a hearing on the appeal automatically stays the execution date asset by Federal Judge Arthur J. Tuttle. He will set a new date if the Appeals Court upholds the District Court conviction.

Meanwhile, Stephan is held in the federal prison farm at Milan, Michigan.

Army strength nears five million mark

First Lady lauds Allies

London, England –
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, telegraphed congratulations to King George today on “the brilliant victory of British arms in Egypt.”

Stimson assails curb on youth draft

Coffee dole increase depends on shipping

Washington (UP) –
War Production Chief Donald M. Nelson said the coffee ration might be raised from an average of one cup a day per person if shipping facilities improve in the future. He added that coffee rationing – scheduled to start Nov. 28 – might be eliminated entirely:

…if the arrivals of coffee and supplies in the United States are ample.

Enemy broadcast –
U.S. unit wiped out by Japs, Nazis say

Dispatches from enemy countries are based on broadcasts over controlled radio stations and frequently contain false information.

Berlin, Germany (UP) – (German broadcast recorded in New York)
Jap troops on Guadalcanal Island, in the Solomons, destroyed “a strong U.S. fighting unit,” Tuesday, the German radio asserted today.

The Japs, the broadcast claimed, attacked U.S. positions east of Henderson Airfield and threw back the American defenders.

The broadcast also asserted that two American transports, totaling 9,000 tons, were sunk in Tulagi Harbor, and another sunk south of Florida Island, also in the Solomons group.

The Japs, it was claimed, shot down 14 U.S. planes over Guadalcanal for the loss of only two Jap planes. Total American losses in the Western Pacific Tuesday, according to the German radio, were at least 27 planes, compared with four Jap planes.

U.S. agency urged as transport boss

‘Peggy’ flares at questioning

Flynn lawyer elicits dance hall career story


Lyttleton flies over to discuss air quotas