America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Light raids hit Darwin, Guinea

MacArthur’s fliers strike back at Japs
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Editorial: Willkie’s report

Ferguson: Look forward

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Clapper: Visit to Britain

By Raymond Clapper

Millett: Romance

Not every fellow in uniform is a hero
By Ruth Millett

Nelson warns newspapers to cut materials

WPB chief says curtailment of operations is essential

Völkischer Beobachter (October 28, 1942)

Vier USA.-Flugzeugträger und ein Schlachtschiff ostwärts der Salomonen versenkt –
Vernichtender Schlag Japans im Pazifik


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dnb. Tokio, 27. Oktober –
Das Kaiserliche Hauptquartier gab um 20,30 Uhr bekannt:

Die Kaiserliche Marine hat in einer Seeschlacht, die am 26. 0ktober von Tagesanbruch bis in die Nacht hinein währte, im Kampf mit einer mächtigen feindlichen Flotte in den Gewässern nördlich der Santa-Cruz-Inseln vier Flugzeugträger, ein Schlachtschiff und ein nicht näher festgestelltes feindliches Kriegsschiff versenkt und ein Schlachtschiff, drei Kreuzer sowie einen Zerstörer schwer beschädigt. Mehr als 200 feindliche Flugzeuge wurden abgeschossen.

Die von den japanischen Streitkräften erlittenen Beschädigungen belaufen sich auf zwei Flugzeugträger, die leicht beschädigt wurden, und einen ebenfalls leicht beschädigten Kreuzer. Diese Schiffe sind aber weiterhin navigationsfähig und können an der Schlacht weiter teilnehmen, 40 japanische Flugzeuge werden vermißt. Diese Schlacht wird die „Seeschlacht im Südpazifik“ genannt werden.

Zu der Sondermeldung des Kaiserlich-japanischen Hauptquartiers wird ergänzend folgendes mitgeteilt:

Zum drittenmal in zwei Monaten haben die Amerikaner in ihrem Bemühen, den japanischen Ring um den Südwestpazifik zu zersprengen, einen Versuch unternommen‚ das japanische Stützpunktsystem zu durchbrechen. Der erste dieser Versuche fiel in die Zeit vom 7. bis 9. August. In einer dreitägigen See- und Luftschlacht bei den Salomoninseln wurde die aus Schlachtschiffen, Flugzeugträgern, schweren und leichten Kreuzern sowie starken Verbänden leichter Seestreitkräfte bestehende amerikanische Pazifikflotte zerschlagen. 13 feindliche Kreuzer, neun Zerstörer sowie zahlreiche kleinere Einheiten wurden vernichtet. Lediglich einigen Truppentransportern gelang es, im Schutz der Dunkelheit bis zur Insel Guadalcanar durchzubrechen und dort Truppen zu landen; die moisten dieser Transporter wurden am folgenden Tage durch japanische Kampfflugzeuge vernichtet. Die amerikanischen Truppen auf Guadalcanar waren damit abgeschnitten, da die zerschlagene Flotte des Admirals Ghormley sich zur Flucht gewandt hatte. An der siegreichen Durchführung dieser „ersten Schlacht bei den Salomoninseln“ waren japanische Luftstreitkräfte, insbesondere Sturzkampf- und Torpedoflugzeuge hervorragend beteiligt.

Am 24. August unternahmen die Amerikaner einen zweiten Versuch, der jedoch schon in der Entfaltung durch japanischer See- und Luftstreitkräfte zum Scheitern gebracht wurde. In den darauffolgenden Wochen kam es zu ständiger Gefechtsberührung zwischen japanischen und amerikanischen See- und Luftstreitkräften. In dieser Zeit wurden der amerikanischen Flotte weitere schwere Verluste zugefügt. Der Flugzeugträger Wasp, drei Kreuzer, fünf Zerstörer sowie zahlreiche Transporter und kleinere Marineeinheiten wurden versenkt, ein Schlachtschiff, ein weiterer Flugzeugträger und ein Kreuzer schwer beschädigt.

Die amerikanische Flotte war durch diese Kämpfe so stark geschwächt, daß sie ohne Zuführung von Verstärkungen nicht mehr in der Lage war, von sich aus neue Angriffsoperationen durchzuführen. Doch zu wichtig war für die USA. die Sprengung der japanischen Riegelstellung im australisch-pazifischen Raum. Deshalb sollte noch einmal versucht werden, den abgeschnittenen Truppen auf Guadalcanar Verstärkungen zuzuführen, um endlich den Durchbruch bei den Salomoninseln zu erzwingen und den japanischen Druck auf Australien zu lockern. Neuguinea sollte von japanischen Truppen gesäubert und möglicherweise auch Guam, der wichtige ehemalige amerikanische Luft- und Flottenstützpunkt ostwärts der Philippinen, wieder in Besitz genommen werden.

Die amerikanische Pazifikflotte wurde zur Durchführung dieses dritten Durchbruchsversuches nochmals verstärkt, und besonders der stark gelichtete Bestand an Flugzeugträgern ergänzt‚ so schwer es auch fiel, diese wertvollen Schiffe aus anderen Seegebieten herauszuziehen. Der bisherige Flottenchef im Pazifik‚ Admiral Ghormley, den man für die ersten beiden Niederlagen bei den Salomoninseln verantwortlich machte, wurde abgesetzt und durch Admiral Halsey ersetzt. Dann trat die amerikanische Pazifikflotte zum drittenmal den Marsch in die Gewässer der Salomoninseln an.

Starke Verbände der japanischen Kriegsmarine und Marineluftwaffe traten der amerikanischen Flotte am 26. Oktober bei den Santa-Cruz-Inseln, ostwärts der Salomoninseln, entgegen. In einer See- und Luftschlacht, die vom Tagesanbruch des 26. Oktober bis tief in die Nacht hinein andauerte, wurde auch der dritte, mit starken Kräften unternommene amerikanischen Durchbruchsversuch zum Scheitern gebracht. Auch in dieser Schlacht hat die überlegene Kampfkraft der Japaner zur See und in der Luft den Sieg davongetragen. Die japanische Stellung im Pazifik ist unerschütterlich.

Der Untergang der Wasp

dnb. Stockholm, 27. Oktober –
„Der dritte Torpedotreffer ging ins Munitionsmagazin“, so heißt es in einem Bericht des Kanoniers Timmons von der Wasp nach der Schilderung einer nordamerikanischen Nachrichtenagentur.

„Wir waren gerade im Geschützgang beim Kaffeetrinken“, so erzählt Timmons unter anderem,

…als jemand ausrief:

Torpedo auf Steuerbord!

Ich rannte auf Deck‚ sah die Blasenbahn und stürzte auf meinen Gefechtsstand. Als die Explosion erfolgte, brach die Hölle los. Der Luftdruck warf mich flach auf das Gefechtsdeck. Bevor wir die Besinnung zurückerlangen konnten, erfolgte die zweite Explosion. Worte können sie nicht beschreiben. Die Luft war von Schrapnell- und Granatsplittern erfüllt. Wir versuchten das Feuer zu bekämpfen, doch war kein Druck auf den Löschrohren.

Das Heck des Schiffes schien noch unberührt, daher beschlossen wir, die Munition über Bord zu werfen, um eine Explosion zu verhindern. Ein schwerer Wasserdunst lag über dem Schiff, das unter Deck in hellen Flammen stand und sich auf die Seite neigte. Die Mannschaft versuchte, den Brennstoff aus den Steuerbordtanks in die Backbordtanks zu pumpen, um die Schlagseite auszugleichen.

Der dritte Torpedotreffer ging ins Munitionsmagazin, gerade als das Schiff sich etwas aufzurichten begann. Er erschien uns schlimmer als die beiden ersten zusammengenommen. Es blieb uns nicht mehr viel zu tun übrig. Wir stießen die Flugzeuge über Bord, da sie auf die Mannschaften zu rollen drohten. Als der Befehl kam, das Schiff zu verlassen, konnten am Bug keine Rettungsflöße herabgelassen werden, da dort das Feuer wütete. Trotzdem konnten sich einige der dort befindlichen Besatzungsmitglieder noch retten – wie, ist mir unklar. Als wir vor dem Angriff zum Kaffeeholen angetreten waren‚ hatten Wir unsere Rettungsgürtel abgelegt. Nun konnten wir keine finden und es waren bereits zu viele Matrosen im Wasser, um alle auf den Rettungsflößen aufnehmen zu können. Als uns ein Boot aufnahm, sahen wir noch einmal das glühende Wrack der Wasp vor dem Untergang.

Washington gesteht Schiffsverlust

dnb. Stockholm, 27. Oktober –
In Washington wird amtlich der Verlust des Flugzeugträgers Wasp zugegeben. Er sei am 15. September im südlichen Pazifik durch ein japanisches Unterseeboot versenkt worden. Ferner bringt Reuter aus Washington ein Kommuniqué des USA.-Marineministeriums, das berichtet, daß am 26. Oktober im Nordosten von Guadalcanar der USA.-Zerstörer Porter versenkt und ein amerikanischer Flugzeugträger schwer beschädigt wurden.

Roosevelt „beglückwünscht“ Knox

dnb. Berlin, 27. Oktober –
Roosevelt richtete einer Reuter-Meldung zufolge anläßlich des USA.-Marinetages an Marineminister Knox eine Glückwunschbotschaft, in der er unter anderem sagt, daß. die „amerikanische Flotte in jedem Winkel der Welt hart kämpft‚ um den Sieg zu erringen” und daß das amerikanische Volk:

…tiefes Vertrauen in die Fähigkeit der Flotte hat, die Feinde aus den Meeren wegzufegen.

Das Loch im Reservoir

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

Stockholm, 27. Oktober –
Wendell Willkie läßt sich auch durch höchstes englisches Mißfallen nicht davon abbringen, den Alliierten die Meinung zu sagen‚ und fährt nach seiner Rückkehr von seiner Reise zu den Alliierten – gestützt auf die Zustimmung Roosevelts – mit unvermindertem Eifer fort, die alliierte Kriegführung schärfstens zu kritisieren, wobei er in erster Linie natürlich die englische Kriegführung meint, deren Langsamkeit im Fassen von Zweite-Front-Plänen ihm schon längst ein Dorn im Auge ist.

Es sei vollständig falsch‚ so erklärte er jetzt in einer Rundfunkrede an das amerikanische Volk, daß man nichtmilitärischen Sachverständigen und Personen außerhalb der Regierung nicht das Recht zugestehen wolle, mit neuen Vorschlägen für die Kriegführung zu kommen. Es sei durchaus notwendig, daß die Militärs und auch die Regierung endlich von der öffentlichen Meinung angespornt würden. Was bisher geschehen sei, sei nicht derart gewesen‚

…daß man an die Unfehlbarkeit der militärischen Sachverständigen glauben muß.

Nach dieser Feststellung setzte sich Willkie in noch schärferer Form als in seiner Moskauer Rede für die sofortige Schaffung einer zweiten Front in Europa ein. „Ich bin dafür“, so sagte er,

…daß wir und unsere Alliierten endlich eine zweite kämpfende Front in Europa errichten, und ich hoffe auch, daß wir in Kürze schon eine bedeutende Streitmacht nach Indien schicken können für den Angriff auf Burma.

Dadurch, daß die Alliierten bisher noch keine deutliche Definition ihrer Kriegsziele gegeben hätten, gingen ihnen viele Freunde verloren! Er erzählte zwar noch, wie er auf seiner Reise ein „Reservoir des guten Willens“ festgestellt habe. Dieses Reservoir aber sei schon gefährlich und undicht geworden durch:

Löcher, die nicht etwa von Hitler, sondern von den Alliierten selbst hineingeschlagen wurden.

Eines dieser Löcher sei die „tragische kleine Menge an Kriegsmaterial“, die die Alliierten bisher an die „kämpfenden Legionen“ der Alliierten geschickt hätten.

Wenn es uns nicht gelingt, an unsere Alliierten das zu liefern, wozu sie berechtigt 'sind oder was wir ihnen versprochen haben. so wird dieser gute Wille in Verbitterung übergehen. Wir sind ihnen mehr schuldig ais nur Prahlereien und gebrochene Versprechungen!

Willkie richtete dann weiter einen sehr scharfen Angriff gegen England, dem er vor allem die Indienpolitik zum Vorwurf machte. Gleichzeitig erhob er Anspruch auf die amerikanische Einmischung in der Frage der Selbständigkeit Indiens. Dadurch, daß die Vereinigten Staaten geschwiegen hätten, so erklärte er, hätten sie bereits einen großen Wechsel auf den „guten Willen" gezogen, den es im Osten gebe. „Die britischen Kolonialbesitzungen sind nur noch die Resteb eines Imperiums“, so sagte er wörtlich, und es gäbe Millionen von Männern und Frauen in diesen Teilen der Welt, die selbstlos und mit großer Geschicklichkeit am Werk seien‚ um aus einem Kolonialsystem nationale Gemeinschaften zu formen.

Die Alliierten mußten lernen, den Unterschied von Verbündeten „erster Klasse“ und „zweiter Klasse” zu beseitigen. Indien sei auch ein amerikanisches Problem, so erklärte er noch einmal. Mit Absicht hätten es die Vereinigten Staaten bisher unterlassen, repräsentative Vertreter mit der Befugnis, alle Probleme vernünftig zu besprechen und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Lösung vorzuschlagen, nach Indien zu entsenden.

Wenn Willkie in Roosevelts Auftrag von der „Gemeinschaft der Völker“ spricht, zu der der britische Kolonialbesitz umgewandelt werden soll, so meint er damit‚ daß die USA. an die Stelle Englands treten sollen. Man kann gespannt sein, wie England auf diese Willkie-Rede reagieren wird.

U.S. Navy Department (October 28, 1942)

Communiqué No. 172

South Pacific.
On the night of October 26-27, our troops on Guadalcanal repulsed several small-scale enemy thrusts against our positions.

Enemy losses in men and equipment in the troop actions on the island since October 23 have been very heavy as compared to our own.

No report of any other action in the Solomon Islands area has been received since the issuance of Navy Department Communiqué No. 171.

how would that be possible? Japan is on the defensive after Midway… Germany is occupied with Stalingrad and italy is well… italy.

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The Pittsburgh Press (October 28, 1942)

New attacks repulsed on Guadalcanal

U.S. planes pound enemy fleet units near Fijis and Hebrides
By Sandor S. Klein, United Press staff writer

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Battle spreads far to sea in Solomons as U.S. fliers hit a Jap carrier and cruiser in a new action near the Stewart Islands (1) about 400 miles from Guadalcanal. More reports on earlier action near the Stewarts show that Navy fliers have damaged two carriers, one cruiser and hit a Jap battleship. North of the New Hebrides and Fiji Islands (2) U.S. fliers have attacked strong Jap naval forces. The black semi-circle shows how the Jap bases ring the Solomons area.

Japanese losses of men and equipment in land actions on Guadalcanal, the Navy announced today:

…have been very heavy as compared to our own.

A communiqué coupled this news with word that our troops have thrown back several more small enemy thrusts against our positions surrounding the vital Guadalcanal airfield.

Beyond that, it said, there was no news of any change in the widening battle of the Solomons.

Silent on exact numbers

The communiqué’s phrasing regarding enemy losses did not give any clue as to the numbers of men the Japanese have lost out of the thousands they have been pouring into this battle for control of the Southwest Pacific islands. It merely said:

Enemy losses in men and equipment in the troop actions on the island [Guadalcanal] have been very heavy as compared to our own.

One naval officer, asked about this wording of the communiqué, said that aside from the comparison with our losses, the Japanese casualties had been “very heavy.”

Breakthrough repulsed

U.S. Army troops as well as Marines are engaged on Guadalcanal. It was the Army men who stopped the Japanese breakthrough on one sector of Guadalcanal and regained their positions in the action announced last night.

In the sea and air war raging all around the Solomons, the still-indecisive fighting has been costly to both sides. The U.S. Navy has announced loss of 15 ships while sinking 12 of the enemy’s and probably sinking three more.

This fighting has spread hundreds of miles to the east of Guadalcanal. American fliers have attacked strong enemy naval forces north of the New Hebrides and the Fiji Islands – United States advance bases.

The penetration of the American lines on Guadalcanal occurred Sunday night (island time) after a day-long attack on the south side of the airfield. But U.S. Army troops defending that sector chased the enemy back and “regained their positions.”

Marines make small gains

Marines defending the western side of the airfield were also engaged in heavy fighting, but the Navy reported that they had scored “small gains.”

The latest report by the Navy in its communiqué last night showed that the Americans have sunk two Jap destroyers and damaged three other ships, including a battleship. Hits were also reported on two cruisers and an aircraft carrier which may have been damaged in a previously-announced action.

No better evidence of the desperate fight being waged in those South Sea islands has come from the Navy than the report last night that non-combatant units of U.S. naval forces are in action.

Two American minesweepers engaged three Jap destroyers near Guadalcanal until Navy and Marine aircraft joined the battle and sank two of the destroyers.

Task force attacked

In another action on the same day (Sunday), a Jap destroyer sank the USS Seminole, a fleet tug, and a small harbor patrol boat near Tulagi. The destroyer was badly damaged by shore batteries which scored three hits and Grumman “Wildcat” fighters from Guadalcanal which strafed the ship as it fled.

Monday morning, American bombers and fighters on Guadalcanal took off for the third time in two days to attack an enemy task force of cruisers and destroyers that had been in the waters north of Florida Island.

Fliers hit Jap cruiser

On their third trip, American airmen scored a direct hit on an enemy cruiser. The day before, they had hit and stopped a cruiser, hit another cruiser and left burning and dead in the water a light cruiser.

The latest sea development seems to be the presence of apparently large enemy surface forces about 40 miles northeast of Guadalcanal – far from the major scene of action.

There was no official explanation but it was pointed out that from the point where those forces were intercepted by American airmen, the Japs could have struck at Espiritu Santo, an American base in the New Hebrides, or at the Fiji Islands. A short sailing distance to the east are the Samoan Islands, another major American base and key point in the supply line between Hawaii and Australia.

Navy airmen score hits

The latest action against that enemy force was Monday night when Navy Consolidated “Catalinas” attacked it. The force was the same one believed attacked the day before by a naval carrier air force east of the Stewart Islands.

The night attack of the “Catalinas” resulted in a torpedo hit on an enemy cruiser. Those were administered in the midst of heavy anti-aircraft fire during which one American plane was damaged.

The Navy revealed further reports on the earlier air battle with presumably the same force earlier in the day. One enemy aircraft carrier was badly damaged, another damaged. One enemy cruiser was badly damaged and one battleship was hit.

Toll of Jap ships is 72

The latest communiqué raises the total Jap warship casualties to 72 – 12 sunk, three probably sunk and 57 damaged – since Aug. 7. In that same period, the Navy has acknowledged the loss of 15 ships – three heavy cruisers, the aircraft carrier Wasp, six destroyers, four transports and a fleet tug. Additionally, an unnamed carrier was “severely damaged,” two destroyers were damaged and “lesser” damage was suffered by other unidentified warships.

Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said yesterday that the battle is “a darn tough, stiff fight” – the outcome of which is not clear.

But there was still no indication that any major U.S. naval surface forces have gone or are going into action in the Solomons.

‘Navy is outnumbered’

Vice Adm. Richard S. Edwards, Chief of Staff to Adm. Ernest J. King, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Fleet, said the Navy is:

…now strongly outnumbered in the South Pacific.

He said in Cleveland that the latest losses in that area were serious but not unexpected. But the Navy is prepared to accept such losses in an operation of such great magnitude, he added.

Any doubts about the magnitude of the battle now joined for the Solomons have been eliminated by the three latest communiqués issued by the Navy. A major portion of them has been devoted to detailing the events that have occurred since Sunday when the Japs launched a “coordinated land, sea and air attack.”

The reports of activity since Sunday are incomplete, but last night’s communiqué seemed to bring up to date the fighting of last Sunday.

Starting early in the morning with an undisclosed number of enemy troops pouring off transports onto the northwest tip of Guadalcanal Island, Sunday’s events on and near Guadalcanal read like this:

MORNING: The Japs launched a determined attack against the southern flank of American positions on Guadalcanal. That attack was apparently sustained throughout the day until the enemy pierced American lines at night and only then was repulsed.

Jap surface forces shelled American Guadalcanal positions from the north.

Twenty-two miles across the water between Guadalcanal and Florida Island, American auxiliary vessels (non-combatant) were taking on enemy warships. Minesweepers, a tugboat and a harbor patrol boat in the vicinity of Tulagi engaged enemy destroyers until American aircraft came to the rescue, but too late to save the tug and patrol boat.

AFTERNOON: Navy and Army bombers attacked an enemy force north of Florida Island – once early in the afternoon and twice late in the afternoon inflicting damage on cruisers.

The Japs sent bombers over the Guadalcanal airfield twice, but the Americans shot down five.

NIGHT: The attack on the southern flank on Guadalcanal, begun in the morning, succeeded in breaking through and only after heavy fighting was the enemy thrown back. The Marines west of the airfield were fighting throughout the day and made small gains.

Pacific War Council discusses Solomons

Washington (UP) –
Members of the Pacific War Council conferred with President Roosevelt today on the tense situation in the Southwest Pacific.

New Zealand Minister Walter Nash said the council had explored the situation thoroughly. He was asked:

Was there any tone of optimism?

He replied:

No. Just realism.

The Chinese Ambassador, Dr. Wei Tao-ming, reported there was a “good deal of discussion” about the Solomon Islands.

Japs ‘destroy’ U.S. fleet; admit battle still rages

By the United Press

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Japs break through, then are hurled back as U.S. forces battle to hold a 25-square-mile area near the airfield on Guadalcanal. While arrows show where Army troops regained all ground after the Japs broke into U.S. lines south of the airfield, while on the western flank, U.S. Marines scored “small gains.” The “X” off Tulagi indicates where a U.S. tug and patrol boat were sunk by a Jap destroyer which was hit by shore batteries and U.S. airmen. The “X” off Guadalcanal indicated where two U.S. minesweepers engaged three Jap destroyers. U.S. fliers sank two of the destroyers, routed the other.

Tokyo said today that a naval battle in the South Pacific was still raging, although previous Japanese reports had claimed that the U.S. fleet was “destroyed” in the Solomon Islands area Monday.

The Tokyo newspaper Nichi Nichi, quoted by the official German DNB Agency, said:

We are really curious to know how Washington will try to keep secret from the American people the crushing defeat of the U.S. fleet.

Then it added:

Although the naval battle in the Southern Pacific is still in progress and the final result, therefore, cannot be foreseen, it can, however, be said, according to local naval quarters, that this is one of the greatest naval battles since the outbreak of the war.

Nichi Nichi, like the rest of the Japanese press and despite its statement that the battle was still in progress, then claimed that “the main enemy forces were annihilated” Monday.

Meanwhile, the Berlin radio reported from Tokyo that an order providing for reorganization of the Air Department of the Japanese Navy will become effective Nov. 1. No details were given, except a statement that it would involve a considerable increase in Japanese aircraft production.

Tokyo also said that the number of Japanese planes lost in the current battle of the Solomons has risen from 40 to 49.

The Dōmei Agency claimed the U.S. Navy lost “25 naval craft, including some of America’s latest and allegedly invincible fighting ships,” in the Solomons area, but did not clearly indicate over what period.

Dōmei said in a broadcast recorded in New York by the United Press:

It is now clearly seen by all observers that the United States Navy massed all available fighting craft on sea and in the air near Guadalcanal Island to have it out with the Imperial Japanese Navy.

It was now or never for the United States Navy, which has been suffering heavily under a verbal broadside from the American public for its failure to bring home a single piece of good news.

American naval commanders hoped to “flash home news of a great victory on Navy Day,” Dōmei said, but the Japanese Navy spoiled this in the battle off Santa Cruz.

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Horrified witness covers eyes –
16 are killed, many hurt in Detroit train-bus crash

Half a dozen women and ‘some schoolchildren’ numbered among victims; bodies badly mangled

Gains in Egypt continue –
British smash tank assault

American bombers, fighters step up action
By Leon Kay, United Press staff writer


Cairo, Egypt –
The Eighth Army tonight was reported driving deeper wedges in the Alamein Line, attempting to bring Marshal Erwin Rommel’s main tank forces into decisive battle. Armored fighting was reported on an expanding scale but it had not reached the point of an all-out effort.

Jap general killed

Tokyo, Japan – (Japanese broadcast recorded in New York)
The death of Lt. Gen. Toshinari Maeda, Jap Commander-in-Chief in Borneo, in an air crash was revealed today. He was killed Sept. 5.

Nazi spy testifies –
Sabotage plot wrecked early

Seen by Coast Guard; they are arrested next day

All8Mug-sm1 (2) - Copy

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
Ernst Peter Burger, convicted Nazi saboteur, testified today that the German sabotage invasion of the United States, carefully planned by the Gestapo, was thrown off schedule within a few minutes after he and three companions landed by submarine off Long Island, New York.

Burger, resuming the hitherto secret story of the eight-man sabotage mission, told a federal court jury the first slip of the blueprint for wrecking the U.S. aluminum and transportation industries was caused by a U.S. Coast Guardsman (John J. Cullen).

Burger said he and three companion saboteurs were rowed to shore off Long Island from a German submarine between midnight and 1 a.m. last June 13. They were wearing uniforms of the German naval infantry to ensure treatment as war prisoners, should they have been captured while still aboard the U-boat.

This sabotage group, one of two which landed on the East Coast last June, was under strict instructions to change into civilian clothes, once ashore, and to return their uniforms to the submarine. But before they could send their uniforms back to the sub, the group was surprised by the Coast Guardsman, Burger said:

When I saw the Coast Guard, I took my seabag and carried it back to my waiting friends and we buried them with the small spades we had brought with us. We buried our explosives and uniforms together.

Burger said he and the leader of his group, John Dasch, both talked to the Coast Guardsman, but he couldn’t recall the conversation.

Arrested next day

Burger related:

Then we went to a railroad station at Amagansett and took a train for Jamaica, where we bought clothes and changed again because ours were soaking wet. In Jamaica, we split up and Dasch and I went to a hotel in New York where we stayed until the FBI arrested us the next day.

Earlier, Burger had given a detailed account of the activities of the eight spies during their sabotage instruction at a Brandenburg, Germany, school, their vacation trip to Berlin and Paris, and their journey to Lorient, France, for embarkation to the United States.

He said the two groups of four made a pact before the second group boarded its submarine for Jacksonville, Florida, vowing that they would “find an opportunity to see each other again” in the United States. The eight did meet, after their arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Burger said that before embarkation from Lorient, the saboteurs were instructed to arrange their general meeting in the United States at Cincinnati, on the Fourth of July.

Under cross-examination, Burger said the second group of saboteurs, headed by Edward Kerling, and including Herbert Haupt, both of whom were executed, was instructed to set up headquarters in New York City. Kerling was to establish a “front” near New York City by setting up a small farm.

Defense Attorney Paul Warnholtz said he would spend “hours” in cross-examination in an effort to “completely dissociate" Burger and his confederates from the six defendants on trial for “treasonable” aid to young Haupt.

Government’s first witness

Burger, whose testimony before a military court in Washington helped bring death sentences to six of his companions, was the first witness in the trial of the parents, the uncle and aunt and two friends of Herbert Hans Haupt. 22, one of the executed saboteurs.

Burger told in thick German accents how he, Haupt and the others took an 18-day course in sabotage in Germany, before departing from Berlin May 22 with eight boxes of explosives and incendiary devices with which they plotted to damage plants of the Aluminum Company of America.

He testified:

Our assignment was to damage and harm the Aluminum Company of America. We all received the assignment. Part of our assignment was to damage railroad plants connecting the aluminum plants with the manufacturing plants of the refined product.

To use explosives

District Attorney J. Albert Woll asked:

How were you to destroy them?

By placing certain explosives for which we received the formula, close to the tracks, attaching a battery or timing device, and slowing it up.

Burger revealed that Haupt had disobeyed instructions given by Lt. Walter Kappe, former editor of a Chicago German-language newspaper, who was in charge of the eight men, not to visit his parents in Chicago after his arrival over here, to get employment in the optical industry, and third, to register as soon as possible for the Army.

Haupt enlisted aid

The government contends Haupt got in touch with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Max Haupt, June 19, after first contacting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fröhling, shortly after landing by submarine on the Florida coast.

Subsequently, the government charges, Haupt explained his mission to his parents, the Fröhlings and their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wergin, and enlisted their aid. He made an effort to become reemployed at the Simpson Optical Co., where he had worked before and which was engaged last summer in manufacturing parts for the Norden bombsight, one of the nation’s most closely-guarded military secrets.

To divide U.S.

Following their instruction at the school, Burger said the eight men visited plants in Germany, including an aluminum plant and railroad yards. He said they studied all vulnerable spots and how to approach them. Then came final instructions by Kappe. He told them they were to divide the United States in two parts.

Burger testified:

We had considered Chicago as the dividing line, at the northern part. Chicago, and the imaginary line going straight south.

Haupt was assigned to the eastern division with three others. Burger said he and the other three had the western part.

Given false draft cards

Burger continued:

We were given false draft registration and Social Security cards without names on them.

…and explained the cards were to be used as false identifications after landing in America.

Mr. Woll explained that Burger’s testimony, admitted over the objections of defense attorneys, was for the purpose of showing that Haupt was an enemy of the United States and that any aid given him by the six defendants was treasonable.

Indictment holds girlfriend of spy

New York (UP) –
Hedwig Engemann, 34-year-old grocery clerk, was indicted yesterday for having knowledge of the treasonable activities of Edward John Kerling, one of the six Nazi saboteurs executed in Washington.

Miss Engemann, described by the government as Kerling’s girlfriend, was accused of having been told by Kerling of his arrival in a U-boat and of his plan to commit sabotage in the United States. If convicted, she could be sentenced to seven years in prison.

She was arrested with Kerling’s wife, Marie, when they tried to meet Kerling at a midtown center.

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Marinettes, perhaps –
Women to land with Marines

Coast Guard also opens ranks to ‘warcogs’

‘Swing shift’ strike at Ford plant ends

Detroit, Michigan (UP) –
Work resumed in four departments of the Ford Motor Company’s vast River Rouge plant today after a shutdown caused by a dispute over inauguration of “swing shifts.”

A company spokesman said work was resumed with 2 p.m. shifts today and that conferences on the swing shifts were continuing between representatives of the company and the United Auto Workers (CIO), which has a union shop contract.

The company spokesman said the dispute affected about 2,100 men and arose from the fact that the War Labor Board had authorized swing shifts to avoid double time pay for Sundays.