America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Military area ban on liquor faces battle

La Follette sees blow to morale; voting age cut proposed

Adm. King: ‘We’ve got to hold on now, gain strength’

U.S. fighting two-ocean war with one-ocean navy, chief of fleet reports

Grew: ‘I warned U.S.’

Pre-Pearl Harbor report revealed by ex-envoy

New Quincy being built

Quincy, Massachusetts –
Two cruisers under construction here will be renamed the Quincy and the Vincennes after two of the three U.S. cruisers sunk by the Japs in the Solomons, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox disclosed today.

Flying Fortress crews want to start air offensive against Nazi fighters

By Joe Alex Morris, United Press foreign editor

French aviator killed by American, Paris told

Allied drives loom, Tokyo tells Japs

By the United Press

Editorial: Don’t repeat that mistake!

Editorial: Don’t let the Axis tell it

Ferguson: Changes coming

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

‘Share-meat’ plan includes restaurants

Hotels support voluntary ‘rationing’ system

‘Prisoners’ pay for ‘crimes’ –
U.S. Tokyo raiders (they all got away) ‘punished’ by Japan

Radio and newspapers tell people how captives have been severely dealt with, cook up quotes from fliers they ‘put on trial’
By the United Press

AEF soldier gets life

Belfast, Northern Ireland –
A United States Army court-martial today found Cpl. Lawrence McKenzie, 35, of Sacramento, California, guilty of the murder of Mary Jane Martin, a spinster deaf mute, and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Allied drive from West Africa may come soon

Liberia to join United Nations, Nazis say; troops land in countries near Dakar
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Actions wanes in Australia

Air activity falls off in MacArthur’s area
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Völkischer Beobachter (October 21, 1942)

Die Sirene aus USA.

Wie wir schon kurz berichteten. hat sich die Frau des Präsidenten Roosevelt von der englischen Königin nach London einladen lassen, angeblich, um sich dort als „Sachverständige für international Jugendwohlfahrt“ zu betätigen. Wer den Weg dieser Frau verfolgt hat, wird sich aber über die wahren Motive ihrer Reise nicht im Zweifel sein. Sie ist von genau dem gleichen krankhaften Geltungsbedürfnis und der Gleichen Herrschsucht beseelt wie ihr Mann. den sie bei seinem verbrecherischen Streben, Amerikas Jugend in einen völlig sinnlosen Krieg zu stürzen, unermüdlich ermuntert und vorwärtsgepeitscht hat. Schon seit fast einem Jahr tauchten in der USA.-Presse immer wieder Meldungen über eine „bevorstehende“ Englandreise der Präsidentin auf – Versuchsballons, die man in London bisher geflissentlich übersehen hatte. Denn wenn auch das englische Königspaar in diesem Kriege nur als Kulisse für Churchill eine nichtssagende und klägliche Rolle spielt, so hatte es doch noch so viel guten Geschmack, sich von einem Besuch der marktschreierischen Eleanor nur Peinlichkeiten zu versprechen. Aber die Zeiten sind vorbei. in denen eine britische Königin es sich leisten konnte. bestimmten Wünschen der Sirene aus USA. ein dauerndes Nein entgegenzusetzen. Nun ist die Einladung erfolgt und London wird das Vergnügen haben. die wohlbezahlte Leitartiklerin nordamerikanischer Asphaltblätter und Rundfunkhetzerin, die Rednerin vor Negerversammlungen, das „erste Mannequin der Staaten“, die Besitzerin gestohlener spanischer Kunstschätze und die Mutter einiger eleganter Drückeberger von. Söhnen im Buckingham-Palast residieren zu sehen. Wir wünschen den Briten viel Vergnügen dazu.

U.S. Navy Department (October 21, 1942)

Communiqué No. 163

South Pacific.
The USS MEREDITH (DD-434) and the USS O’BRIEN (DD-415) have been lost within the last few days as the result of enemy action in the Solomon Islands area. The report of casualties has not yet been received, but it is believed that all personnel of the O’BRIEN and many of the personnel of the MEREDITH were rescued. The Bureau of Naval Personnel will notify by telegram the next of kin of those lost as soon as information is received.

Large numbers of enemy ships continue to be sighted in the northern Solomons and small units have been located and attacked in the southern Solomons. There has been little recent troop activity on Guadalcanal and our aircraft are continuing to bomb the enemy positions.

On October 19:

  1. During the early afternoon, enemy aircraft attacked our Guadalcanal positions. Our Grumman “Wildcats” shot down two “Zeros” and one “Wildcat” was lost.

  2. During the late afternoon, our Douglas “Dauntless” dive bombers attacked three enemy destroyers to the westward of Guadalcanal. One destroyer was damaged and an escorting enemy seaplane was destroyed.

  3. During the night of October 19-20, naval aircraft attacked an enemy cruiser to the westward of Guadalcanal. The cruiser was damaged and stopped by at least one bomb hit.

On October 20:

  1. During the early morning, naval aircraft bombed enemy supply dumps and positions on northwest Guadalcanal.

  2. During the late morning, approximately 30 “Zero” fighters flew over our airfield. They were followed, about an hour later, by 16 enemy bombers with fighter escort. During these attacks 2 enemy bombers and 7 “Zeros” were shot down. Two U.S. fighters were lost.

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The Pittsburgh Press (OCtober 21, 1942)

Planes blast Japanese on Guadalcanal

Expected enemy offensive against airport fails to materialize

Jap bluff fails –
Army bombers hit Kiska again

‘Get out or die,’ foe warns U.S. in Aleutians
By Russell Annabel, United Press staff writer

Truce sought in Senate row over dry zone

Passage of draft bill rider predicted unless compromise is reached