America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)


Establishing the Office of Economic Stabilization

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, and particularly by the Act of October 2, 1942, entitled “An Act to Amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, to Aid in Preventing Inflation, and for Other Purposes,” as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, and in order to control so far as possible the inflationary tendencies and the vast dislocations attendant thereon which threaten our military effort and our domestic economic structure, and for the more effective prosecution of the war, it is hereby ordered as follows:

TITLE I: Establishment of an Office of Economic Stabilization

  1. There is established in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the President an Office of Economic Stabilization at the head of which shall be an Economic Stabilization Director (hereinafter referred to as the Director).

  2. There is established in the Office of Economic Stabilization an Economic Stabilization Board with which the Director shall advise and consult. The Board shall consist of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, the Price Administrator, the Chairman of the National War Labor Board, and two representatives each of labor, management, and farmers to be appointed by the President. The Director may invite for consultation the head of any other department or agency. The Director shall serve as Chairman of the Board.

  3. The Director, with the approval of the President, shall formulate and develop a comprehensive national economic policy relating to the control of civilian purchasing power, prices, rents, wages, salaries, profits, rationing, subsidies, and all related matters—all for the purpose of preventing avoidable increases in the cost of living, cooperating in minimizing the unnecessary migration of labor from one business, industry, or region to another, and facilitating the prosecution of the war. To give effect to this comprehensive national economic policy the Director shall have power to issue directives on policy to the Federal departments and agencies concerned.

  4. The guiding policy of the Director and of all departments and agencies of the Government shall be to stabilize the cost of living in accordance with the Act of October 2, 1942; and it shall be the duty and responsibility of the Director and of all departments and agencies of the Government to cooperate in the execution of such administrative programs and in the development of such legislative programs as may be necessary to that end. The administration of activities related to the national economic policy shall remain with the departments and agencies now responsible for such activities, but such administration shall conform to the directives on policy issued by the Director.

TITLE. II: Wage and Salary Stabilization Policy

  1. No increases in wage rates, granted as a result of voluntary agreement, collective bargaining, conciliation, arbitration, or otherwise, and no decreases in wage rates, shall be authorized unless notice of such increases or decreases shall have been filed with the National War Labor Board, and unless the National War Labor Board has approved such increases or decreases.

  2. The National War Labor Board shall not approve any increase in the wage rates prevailing on September 15, 1942, unless such increase is necessary to correct maladjustments or inequalities, to eliminate substandards of living, to correct gross inequities, or to aid in the effective prosecution of the war.

Provided, however, that where the National War Labor Board or the Price Administrator shall have reason to believe that a proposed wage increase will require a change in the price ceiling of the commodity or service involved, such proposed increase, if approved by the National War Labor Board, shall become effective only if also approved by the Director.

  1. The National War Labor Board shall not approve a decrease in the wages for any particular work below the highest wages paid therefor between January 1, 1942, and September 15, 1942, unless to correct gross inequities and to aid in the effective prosecution of the war.

  2. The National War Labor Board shall, by general regulation, make such exemptions from the provisions of this title in the case of small total wage increases or decreases as it deems necessary for the effective administration of this Order.

  3. No increases in salaries now in excess of $5,000 per year (except in instances in which an individual has been assigned to more difficult or responsible work) shall be granted until otherwise determined by the Director.

  4. No decrease shall be made in the salary for any particular work below the highest salary paid therefor between January 1, 1942, and September 15, 1942, unless to correct gross inequities and to aid in the effective prosecution of the war.

  5. In order to correct gross inequities and to provide for greater equality in contributing to the war effort, the Director is authorized to take the necessary action, and to issue the appropriate regulations, so that, insofar as practicable no salary shall be authorized under Title III, Section 4, to the extent that it exceeds $25,000 after the payment of taxes allocable to the sum in excess of $25,000. Provided, however, that such regulations shall make due allowance for the payment of life insurance premiums on policies heretofore issued, and required payments on fixed obligations heretofore incurred, and shall make provision to prevent undue hardship.

  6. The policy of the Federal Government, as established in Executive Order No. 9017 of January 12, 1942, to encourage free collective bargaining between employers and employees is reaffirmed and continued.

  7. Insofar as the provisions of Clause (1) of section 302 (c) of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 are inconsistent with this Order, they are hereby suspended.

TITLE III: Administration of Wage and Salary Policy

  1. Except as modified by this Order, the National War Labor Board shall continue to perform the powers, functions, and duties conferred upon it by Executive Order No. 9017, and the functions of said Board are hereby extended to cover all industries and all employees. The National War Labor Board shall continue to follow the procedures specified in said Executive Order.

  2. The National War Labor Board shall constitute the agency of the Federal Government authorized to carry out the wage policies stated in this Order, or the directives on policy issued by the Director under this Order. The National War Labor Board is further authorized to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the speedy determination of the propriety of any wage increases or decreases in accordance with this Order, and to avail itself of the services and facilities of such State and Federal departments and agencies as, in the discretion of the National War Labor Board, may be of assistance to the Board.

  3. No provision with respect to wages contained in any labor agreement between employers and employees (including the Shipbuilding Stabilization Agreements as amended on May 16,1942, and the Wage Stabilization Agreement of the Building Construction Industry arrived at May 22, 1942) which is inconsistent with the policy herein enunciated or hereafter formulated by the Director shall be enforced except with the approval of the National War Labor Board within the provisions of this Order. The National War Labor Board shall permit the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee and the Wage Adjustment Board for the Building Construction Industry, both of which are provided for in the foregoing agreements, to continue to perform their functions therein set forth, except insofar as any of them is inconsistent with the terms of this Order.

  4. In order to effectuate the purposes and provisions of this Order and the Act of October 2, 1942, any wage or salary payment made in contravention thereof shall be disregarded by the executive departments and other governmental agencies in determining the costs or expenses of any employer for the purpose of any law or regulation, including the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 or any maximum price regulation thereof, or for the purpose of calculating deductions under the Revenue Laws of the United States or for the purpose of determining costs or expenses under any contract made by or on behalf of the Government of the United States.

TITLE IV: Prices of Agricultural Commodities

  1. The prices of agricultural commodities and of commodities manufactured or processed in whole or substantial part from any agricultural commodity shall be stabilized, so far as practicable, on the basis of levels which existed on September 15, 1942, and in compliance with the Act of October 2, 1942.

  2. In establishing, maintaining, or adjusting maximum prices for agricultural commodities or for commodities processed or manufactured in whole or in substantial part from any agricultural commodity, appropriate deductions shall be made from parity price or comparable price for payments made under the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, parity payments made under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and governmental subsidies.

  3. Subject to the directives on policy of the Director, the price of agricultural commodities shall be established or maintained or adjusted jointly by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Price Administrator; and any disagreement between them shall be resolved by the Director. The price of any commodity manufactured or processed in whole or in substantial part from an agricultural commodity shall be established or maintained or adjusted by the Price Administrator, in the same administrative manner provided for under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942.

  4. The provisions of sections 3(a) and 3 (c) of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 are hereby suspended to the extent that such provisions are inconsistent with any or all prices established under this Order for agricultural commodities, or commodities manufactured or processed in whole or in substantial 'part from an agricultural commodity.

TITLE V: Profits and Subsidies

  1. The Price Administrator in fixing, reducing, or increasing prices, shall determine price ceilings in such a manner that profits are prevented which in his judgment are unreasonable or exorbitant.

  2. The Director may direct any Federal department or agency including, but not limited to, the Department of Agriculture (including the Commodity Credit Corporation and the Surplus Marketing Administration), the Department of Commerce, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and other corporations organized pursuant to Section 5d of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended, to use its authority to subsidize and to purchase for resale, if such measures are necessary to insure the maximum necessary production and distribution of any commodity, or to maintain ceiling prices, or to prevent a price rise inconsistent with the purposes of this Order.

TITLE VI: General Provisions

  1. Nothing in this Order shall be construed as affecting the present operation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the National Labor Relations Act, the Walsh-Healey Act, the Davis-Bacon Act, or the adjustment procedure of the Railway Labor Act.

  2. Salaries and wages under this Order shall include all forms of direct or indirect remuneration to an employee or officer for work or personal services performed for an employer or corporation, including but not limited to, bonuses, additional compensation, gifts, commissions, fees, and any other remuneration in any form or medium whatsoever (excluding insurance and pension benefits in a reasonable amount as determined by the Director); but for the purpose of determining wages or salaries for any period prior to September 16, 1942, such additional compensation shall be taken into account only in cases where it has been customarily paid by employers to their employees. “Salaries” as used in this Order means remuneration for personal services regularly paid on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis.

  3. The Director shall, so far as possible, utilize the information, data, and staff services of other Federal departments and agencies which have activities or functions related to national economic policy. All such Federal departments and agencies shall supply available information, data, and services required by the Director in discharging his responsibilities.

  4. The Director shall be the agency to receive notice of any increase in the rates or charges of common carriers or other public utilities as provided in the aforesaid Act of October 2, 1942.

  5. The Director may perform the functions and duties, and exercise the powers, authority, and discretion conferred upon him by this Order through such officials or agencies, and in such manner, as he may determine. The decision of the Director as to such delegation and the manner of exercise thereof shall be final.

  6. The Director, if he deems it necessary, may direct that any policy formulated under this Order shall be enforced by any other department or agency under any other power or authority which may be provided by any of the laws of the United States.

  7. The Director, who shall be appointed by the President, shall receive such compensation as the President shall provide, and within the limits of funds which may be made available, may employ necessary personnel and make provision for supplies, facilities, and services necessary to discharge his responsibilities.

The White House
October 3, 1942

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)

President Roosevelt’s letters to Leon Henderson on ceiling prices for certain foods and rent control
October 3, 1942

I have signed the cost of living stabilization bill.

I wish that you would consult with the Secretary of Agriculture and immediately establish ceiling prices for eggs, chickens, butter, cheese, potatoes, flour, and such other foods as can be controlled under existing laws.

In line with my recent message to the Congress, you should consider present governmental payments to agricultural producers, and subsidy payments in arriving at the minimum ceiling prices.

This Government is determined to use all of its powers to prevent any avoidable rise in the cost of living.

That part of the Nation which has not yet been designated within defense rental areas should now be so treated. We should make no distinction between city and country residents as to their participation in the total war effort. Certainly the contribution of agriculture to the effective prosecution of the war is clear. Therefore, our rural population equally deserves to have its rents stabilized.

I wish you would immediately issue appropriate orders to prevent rent increases on urban and rural dwellings. In such areas as you deem appropriate to reduce current rents, I am sure you will proceed to take such action as may be necessary.

The Pittsburgh Press (October 4, 1942)

Director Byrnes ordered to put limit on profits

President says 90% of nation’s grocery bill will be stabilized

Henderson’s order hits most items

Quotations frozen at highest point between Sept. 28 and Oct. 2

Aleutian base seized by Army

U.S. occupies position 250 miles nearer Japan

Allies blast 5 Jap ships in Solomons

3 cruisers believed hit; Aussies seize village in New Guinea

Byrnes, 63 and energetic, noted as troubleshooter

Ex-Justice who served 10 years in Senate came up the hard way

Seven burn to death in Akron plane crash

Akron, Ohio (UP) – (Oct. 3)
Art least seven crew members of a medium Army bomber were burned to death tonight when the plane crashed and burned as it took off from Akron Airport.

Airport officials said seven bodies had been removed from the wreckage and that there might be another body in the plane.

Witnesses said one of the plane’s motors sputtered just after the takeoff. A flash followed, they said, and the bomber plunged about 100 feet to the earth just beyond a knoll at the west end of the field and burned fiercely.

Great naval battle

Tokyo, Japan – (Tokyo broadcast recorded in San Francisco)
A great naval battle is going on in the Solomon Islands, Capt. Hideko Hirade, Japanese Navy spokesman, announced Saturday.

Chrysler employees get wage increase

Washington (UP) – (Oct. 3)
The War Labor Board tonight awarded 90,000 employees of the Chrysler Corp. a wage increase of 4¢ an hour, which would add an estimated $7,488,000 to the company’s annual payroll.

This award came on the heels of President Roosevelt’s economic orders which in part specified that “inequalities” would be a determining factor in the granting of wage increases.

Chrysler employees, represented by the United Auto Workers (CIO), had asked an increase of 12.5¢ an hour.

Dealers doubt coffee supply can be boosted

Decrease in shipments from South America is main factor
By the United Press

Tax increase due to boost whisky prices

Nation’s supply expected to last at least 3½ years

Get ready!

Army cooks given menus for Thanksgiving and Christmas

Navy PC boat lays a deadly egg in fight on submarines


Broadcasters rap Petrillo’s ban on records

Action of musicians’ boss described as ‘more than intolerable’

U.S. fliers bomb Japs at 30 feet in Burma

New Delhi, India (UP) – (Oct. 3)
American medium bombers, swooping down to within 30 feet of the Jap air base at Tingka, near the China-Burma border, destroyed one building with a direct hit and scored near misses on other installations, Brig. Gen. Clayton L. Bissel, commanding United States Army Air Forces in India, Burma and China, announced today.

The attack was made Sept. 27, by planes based in India. Natives and soldiers were working on runways, and a shower of high explosive and fragmentation bombs sent them flying.

On the way home, the bombers dropped to 100 feet and blasted tractors parked along railroad tracks at Katha, in northeast Burma, 135 miles from the Indian frontier. Another bomber attacked Jap barracks at Myitkyina, also in northwest Burma.

Fighters and bombers machine-gunned and dropped fragmentation and firebombs on Washawng and two adjoining villages in the Myitkyina area Sept. 28. The villages were left in flames. All the American planes returned.

Fourth Red Feather Night will be dedicated to China

Americans imprisoned by Japs in Hong Kong will speak

Male stars leaving so girls take over major screen roles

Film writers turning out scripts suitable for women as men join fighting ranks
By Hedda Hopper

Censors are lenient if naughty action in a film yarn takes place in a dream

By Erskine Johnson

Maidens in uniform a good idea but it fails to pan out in play

Inexpert farce, Vickie is yarn about females in wartime groups
By Jack Gaver, United Press drama editor