America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Völkischer Beobachter (October 1, 1942)

Erst gegen Japan oder erst gegen Deutschland?
Roosevelt in der Zange des Dreierpaktes

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

The Pittsburgh Press (October 1, 1942)

War plants, troops bases are visited

President travels 8,754 miles during his two-week trip
By Merriman Smith, United Press staff writer

Inflation curb goes to House

Conferees will seek to settle differences

Tire, speed curbs begin

Nation gears to new set of war economics

End jealousy, fliers warned

Congressional heads cite Army, Navy statements

Labor’s war record scored; lack of discipline blamed

Admiral often fears he must negotiate second time merely because ‘the boys won’t go along’

Enemy broadcast –
Over million tons sunk in September, Nazis say

Berlin, Germany (UP) – (German broadcast recorded in New York)
An official statement said today that German submarines and airplanes had sunk 1,011,700 tons of Allied shipping in September.

The giants disappear

By Florence Fisher Parry

Drive started for scrapping idle machines

Plants asked to check on equipment unused for three months

Scrap drive results in transport problem

Eight tons of scrap make a light tank

News declared aid to morale

Keep public fully informed, Elmer Davis asks

Narrow price rise in some foods seen

Labor hoarding scandal nears on West Coast

Plants hang onto men in readiness to expand production
By Arthur Caylor, Scripps-Howard staff writer

ODT plans new exemptions in curb on speed

Turnpike will be excepted temporarily from 35-mile rule
By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

NAM stresses data to prove strike charge

Declares number involved rose 700% from January to July

Wife seeker

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

1-A in hubby’s heart

Wife who permits 3-A husband to volunteer for Army if he wishes has right idea
By Ruth Millett

Chungking all dressed up for welcome to Willkie

Chinese common people excited and believe visit will have major bearing on the war

2 transports sink in Pacific, Navy reveals

Jap warships try to cut supply lines to U.S. forces in Solomons