America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

10 saved in jungle by cigarette lighter

Tiny flame serves as beacon for Army men

Motorists are warned to show gas stickers

Washington (UP) –
The Office of Price Administration today warned motorists in the East Coast gasoline rationing area that they must display ration stickers on their cars before they can purchase fuel.

Joel Dean, OPA fuel rationing director, said that all ration applications should be acted upon by Aug. 20, and after the date:

…it can be assumed that all cars should display stickers.

Dealers, he said, are not allowed to sell gasoline to motorists without a windshield sticker, even if they have a ration book.

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Kitchen man held as enemy alien

Cricket club employee is arrested by FBI

Völkischer Beobachter (August 15, 1942)

Das Kaiserliche Hauptquartier über den Seesieg bei den Salomoninseln –
35 Feindschiffe versenkt

Das ist Roosevelts Kultur

„Feuer ohne vorherige Warnung“ –
England mordet – USA. klatschen Beifall

Brooklyn Eagle (August 15, 1942)

Planes smash move to aid Japs in isles

Flying Fortresses batter convoy, harass foe in wide Pacific area

Secret invasion weapons used by Marines in Solomons assault

By Francis L. McCarthy


Astoria cops hunt for bananas, but find only 23 for ailing infant

Navy to block wildcat strikes at Jersey plant

Will leave other phases of the management to General Cable officials

Chilean President asks leave to visit Roosevelt

Santiago, Chile (UP) –
President Juan Antonio Ríos will ask Congress next week for a constitutional permit to leave the country for 15 days and visit the United States at President Roosevelt’s invitation.

Since Ríos had already accepted the invitation, it was not believed that Congress would deny him permission. He was expected to leave early in October with a small party.

Sleeping U.S. soldiers robbed in London club

London, England (UP) –
Scotland Yard was called in today to investigate the theft of wallets, military passports and service passes from American soldiers sleeping in the American Red Cross Club. Officials doubted that subversive activity was involved.

Bomber’s pilot loses way and 9 die in crash

U.S. air fighters go into action in Egypt battle

American squadrons join British forces in operations over desert

Tokyo admits Marines took Japs by surprise

Fort gives up cannon to paste the Axis

Fort Dix, New Jersey –
A howitzer, World War I trophy that has been familiar for years to persons visiting this camp, is to be returned to Germany. It is being shipped to a steel plant to be resmelted as scrap and converted into shells.

Senate unit due to pass ballot for armed forces

Washington (UP) –
The Senate Privileges and Elections Committee was expected to report favorably today a House bill to permit absentee voting by members of the armed forces in federal elections.

Committee members have openly opposed an amendment offered by Senator Claude Pepper (D-FL) which would exempt men and women in service from paying poll taxes, and that proposal is expected to be rejected.

The bill would permit servicemen, Army and Navy nurses and members of the WAACs and WAVES stationed in the continental United States and Alaska to vote in their communities by mail.

McNutt orders program for day nurseries

Washington (UP) –
War Manpower Commission Paul V. McNutt today directed the Office of Defense, Health and Welfare Service to coordinate the programs of eight federal agencies in a move to solve the acute program of caring for children whose mothers work in war plants.

McNutt’s directive outlined a program of day nursery schools, to be developed as community projects, to safeguard the children of some 5,040,000 women estimated to be employed by the end of 1942.

Less meat seen on menu; shortage easier by Oct. 1

Asks 50% excess profits impost on individuals

Senator Connally says plan is aimed primarily at ‘contract brokers’