Nine vessels sunk in week
First Russian cargo ship torpedoed in Gulf of Mexico
By the Associated Press
First Russian cargo ship torpedoed in Gulf of Mexico
By the Associated Press
Naval Women’s Reserve leader expected to reveal program
Washington (UP) –
Price Administrator Leon Henderson, discovering that contractors supplying clothing to the Armed Forces had gone back to the “19th century” to figure maximum prices, today plugged a loophole in the price ceiling.
The original order allowed contractors to charge the highest price they received “prior to April 1, 1942,” and some firms dug up sales records 50 years old.
The new order sets the prices at the highest charged between April 1, 1941 and March 31, 1942.
New York (AP) –
“Service Station – Repaint Repairs,” says the sign in the Capitol Theatre lobby, but it doesn’t mean automobiles.
It means that for 25¢, all funds going to the United Service Organizations, women having difficulty with their paintjob hosiery substitutes may have them touched up by high school girls.
Shown at a post in North Carolina are a group of Australian Army officers as they watched U.S. Army maneuvers. (L-R): Lt. Col. R. T. Blamey, Lt. Gen. E. K. Smart, Brig. A. B. Williams and Lt. Col. W. M. Pharazyn. They are studying maps of the locality to better understand the large-scale training exercises taking place in the Carolinas.
Chicago (AP) –
Because of “unsafe conditions abroad,” the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad’s passenger traffic department announced its around-the-world tours will be officially called off effective Sept. 1 until further notice.
It explained there has been no rush of patrons for such tours since Dec. 7 and it doesn’t expect to sell a single world tour between now and deadline time.
A Japanese landing party, with the Rising Sun flag, is shown shortly after landing somewhere on the Aleutian Islands, according to the caption accompanying the photo. This picture was received in New York by radio from neutral Portugal after being radioed from Tokyo to Berlin. The caption failed to mention how many men the Japs had lost as a result of constant bombing by U.S. fliers of their bases on the Aleutians.