America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Shortage of men teachers may force dropping some courses

Electrical group ends strike threat

Mediation to continue in Alabama dispute

Government wins point over defense

Ex-Silver Shirt leader writes about gift of ‘supernatural power’

New lambskin flying suit tested by war correspondent

By John A. Moroso

Seeking information about WNRC

Elizabeth Nearhoof, of 2155 Highland Ave., Mt. Penn, borrows Boatswain Harry Rightmyer’s cap as she stops in the Navy recruiting office at the post office to make inquiries about the Women’s Naval Reserve Corps recently authorized by Congress. Miss Nearhoof is an office worker. Rightmyer is kept busy these days answering the question of scores of would-be “Waves” who are seeking information about the proposed corps.

48-hour work-week policy may cut hours in war plants

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Red Cross worker arrives in England

Washington – (special)
James E. Snyder, of Reading, Pa., is among 11 field and assistant field directors, recreation and medical social workers who arrived safely in England, it has been announced by the American Red Cross.

Snyder, as a member of the group, will serve with American troops and in Red Cross clubs in the British Isles.

Pact sighted by agencies

WPB and ANMB now friendly units, not rival groups

First Lady busily preparing for Hopkins-Macy marriage

WCTU has plan to finance war

His Pop dood it

Carrying on the family tradition is John Doolittle, son of Brig. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle who staged the spectacular daylight raid on Tokyo. The young soldier is one of the plebes among the 900 men in the new class at West Point. He is shown carrying a light machine gun during field maneuvers.

Reading Eagle (July 30, 1942)

Douglas joins Justices on court bench

Argument continues in effort to have saboteurs removed from military trial

Stimson opposes furloughs for men in harvest time

Ten perish in crash of cargo plane

Employees of Northwest Airlines killed in blazing transport

Second front pledge made

‘Military intentions’ are admitted by Cripps; details withheld

Isolationism dead, asserts MacLeish

Reports Americans want offensive war

Ickes sees cure in rubber crisis

‘Like finding oil well,’ says Secretary

Proposes shunting incomes over $25,000 into war bonds

Bombers hit Jap warship

Destroyer is wreathed in smoke off Gona Mission

Dependent pay plan repealer is sought