Axis subs sunk four vessels in Caribbean
One ship carried survivors of two other torpedoed craft
By the United Press
One ship carried survivors of two other torpedoed craft
By the United Press
Klamath Falls, Ore. –
When the 45- to 64-year-old men here registered for the Army, Bob Ellis signed up for the fourth time. The first was for the Spanish-American War, the second for the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the third for World War I. Mr. Ellis has a son, who is a major in chemical warfare, and a grandson with sergeant’s stripes in the Army.
Alexandria, Egypt (UP) – (July 5, delayed)
Maj. Gen. Charles L. Scott, senior American military observer in the Middle East, said today after a visit to the front that he believed the British forces had the Germans stopped until they could refit and bring up supplies.
He said:
Rommel will have to reorganize foe a new offensive. How long that will take him, I do not know. Now is the crucial time to hit him, particularly with air reinforcements. This in my opinion should be the time for a counteroffensive which might prove decisive.
San Francisco –
Emerson R. White, 20, was jailed today for burning four old auto tires. He used the tires as fuel to met copper from generators and auto starters at his junkyard. He was booked as:
…en route to the custody of the U.S. marshal.
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer
Los Angeles, Cal. –
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is considering a proposal for the county to take over the 360 Ranch of the late Will Rogers.
One proposal is that 100 acres be set aside as a rest and recuperative center for wounded and convalescent members of the United States Marine Corps and that the rest be leased by the county, which in turn would release it to the American Red Cross to continue the Will Rogers Museum there.
Scene of hearing remains undisclosed; proceedings to be secret, to be revealed only after verdict
Passage would be first overthrow of WPB on oil ruling
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer