‘Lost’ warship reborn at dock
Wrecked at Hawaii, Shaw now back on duty
McNutt warns work pirates
Labor stealing menaces war program, he claims
Captured Bund leader flown back to U.S.
Mexico speedily deports suspected spy for FBI in Hartford
War reporter joins Marines to fight back
Nazis razed residence of Pittsburgh in London
Plane production hits rate of 50,000 a year
This is from aircraft industry alone; auto manufacturers’ output soon to start will swell figure above President’s 60,000 goal for ‘42
Senate likely to grant hike in OPA’s fund
Stabilization of wages must be invoked, Henderson says
U.S. observes ‘safe’ Fourth
Gas, tire shortages cut highway fatalities
By the United Press
Raymond Clapper called lone wolf of U.S. columnists
Time Magazine portrait reveals personality of Scripps-Howard writer termed by colleagues ‘most significant, fair and reliable’