Fighting men’s pay bill ready for signature
$50 minimum approved by Senate; measure sent to White House
’I was robbed’ moans flying Congressman
Faulty plane cheats him of chance to bomb Japs
Wheeler hopes Reds hit Japs
Senator sees need for base rights in new pact
By John R. Beal, United Press staff writer
Chinese quit key rail base
Situation serious; units evacuate other towns
Experts tell what hampers 1942 invasion
Huge shipping problems cited; London predicts only heavier raids
By Edward W. Beattie, United Press staff writer
Axis radio belittles pact
Bolshevik-plutocratic alliance, Berlin screams
By the United Press
Crashed air crew safe after flight through jungle
Exhausted, suffering from malaria, six U.S. fliers trudge over mountains following landing in sea
By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer
Allies open second front in ‘nerve’ war
United Nations seize offensive from Nazis in psychological battle
By the United Press