America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Blackout ordered for stars’ photos

No longer will fans receive them in mail because of shortages
By Paul Harrison

President Roosevelt’s letter accepting the Annual Award of The Churchman
June 08, 1942

My dear Mr. Shipler:

You and your distinguished associates have given me The Churchman Award for the promotion of good will and understanding among all peoples. I wish I could be with you tonight to accept the award in person and to tell you how deeply I appreciate the honor. It symbolizes a cause that has long been close to my heart and mind: never more so than in this fateful year of destiny for all peoples.

The spiritual liberties of mankind are in jeopardy. Their religious freedom is at stake. The road ahead is dark and perilous. Yet we and our associates in the great alliance of the United Nations are determined to establish a new age of freedom on this earth. We are dedicating all that we have and are to that end. We are fighting in that cause at the side of valiant forces, representing every race and every creed. And with the united help of all free men and of all the great institutions of freedom, of which the churches of the free stand first, we shall create a new world in which there is freedom of worship and utterance, freedom from want and from fear, for all peoples everywhere in the world.

U.S. War Department (June 8, 1942)

General MacArthur’s Headquarters No. 56

U.S. Navy Department (June 8, 1942)

Pacific Fleet No. 4

The Pittsburgh Press (June 8, 1942)

Seeks to force enemy ships into knockout battle

Another sea-air fight rages in Hawaii-Alaska area; U.S. destroyer sunk
By Everett R. Holles, United Press staff writer

Plane output ‘nearly 5,000’ a month

Senator Thomas predicts schedule of 10,000 by next month

Hitler’s habits show colossal vanity and flashes of fantastic brilliance

Führer has surgeons make nose ‘more heroic,’ likes burlesque-type revels at mountain retreat; jealous mistress tries suicide
By Frederick C. Oechsner

Senate approves $50 pay for men in armed forces

Big wage increase assured as Senate approves figure earlier passed by House

$39.5 billion more asked by Roosevelt

Navy voted funds

U.S. launches destroyer

Bath, Maine, June 8 –
The destroyer Taylor was launched at the Bath Iron Works Corp. shipyard yesterday.

Allied victory called certain

Admiral King says nation is erasing disadvantage

In Pittsburgh next Monday –
Heroes begin their tour with parade in New York

Episcopal award given Roosevelt

Midway defeat may send Japs against Russia

Half-million troops are already massed at Siberian border
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

West Virginia sailor is safe, Navy reports

Axis subs bag 2 more ships near America

260 craft sunk to date; anti-U-boat campaign reported gaining
By the United Press

Hawaii attack still possible, King indicates

Admiral hesitates to call U.S. fleet success 'victory’
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Jap subs shell 2 Aussie cuties

Industrial area blacked out after attacks
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

U.S. forces seek contact with crippled Japs fleeing Midway

Another enemy destroyer sunk, more cruisers damaged in mid-Pacific area
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Fireside chat on rubber, gasoline shortage possible

Roosevelt will present ‘facts and reasons’ after current study, House delegates told