America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

American units reported pouring into Madagascar

South African troops also reinforce British on strategic naval base – Allied casualties under 1,000
By Edward W. Beattie, United Press staff writer

No cause for alarm

By Florence Fisher Parry

Prominent trial lawyer will prosecute Pelley

96 million sign in sugar ration

73% register in first three days

Remember Pearl Harbor!

Washington, May 8 –
Senator Arthur Capper (R-KS) yesterday introduced legislation authorizing presentation of medals to enlisted men who participated in repelling the attack Dec. 7 on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Pittsburgh soldier drowns in Ireland

Fire alarm produces results for La Guardia

Congressional recess may begin after July 1

Death of ‘Flying Tiger’ in air action reported

Kunming, China (UP) –
A communiqué of the American Volunteer Group said today that pilot Ben C. Foshee of Red Level, Alabama, had been killed in action with the Flying Tigers at Paoshan May 4.

Pilot Jed Liedburn of Amarillo, Texas, was killed accidentally during a training flight here May 2.

Capital greets Peru President

Roosevelt goes to field to welcome Prado

New invention to give Allies better planes

Forged cylinder head is developed, boosting power of engines

’Women’s Army’ bill advances in Senate

No immediate auto and tire seizure seen by Reynolds

1942 draft catches up with old-time evader

Confusion reported on ration order

Quezon arrives in U.S., plans to meet Roosevelt

Flying Fortress missing in Gulf

Five officers, sergeant killed in bomber crash

Shortage cuts Martin plant’s aircraft work

Priority ratings blamed; firm has enough tools to boost production

Foreign-language school closing urged by DAR