Senate group delays equal rights action
U.S. War Department (May 6, 1942)
U.S. Navy Department (May 6, 1942)
Far East.
Several messages from the Navy personnel at Corregidor were received in the Navy Department this morning. Just before the fall of this small island fortress which these men have helped to defend so gallantly, the commander of the naval forces at Corregidor, Capt. Kenneth M. Hoeffel, USN, joined his officers and men in sending a last message of loyalty, devotion, and good cheer to their country, their families and their friends.
Captain Hoeffel reported that the minesweeper Tanager, and the river gunboat Oahu had been sunk by enemy gunfire from Bataan and that the minesweeper Pigeon had been sunk by bombers. The river gunboat Luzon, and the minesweeper Quail were severely damaged by gunfire and were sunk by U.S. forces when capture appeared imminent. All local small craft in the vicinity were demolished by our forces.
When Corregidor fell, there were approximately 175 officers and 2,100 men of the Navy, and 70 officers and 1,500 men of the Marine Corps in the defending forces. Col. Samuel L. Howard is the senior officer of the Marine Corps personnel on the island. It is assumed that all of these officers and men have been captured and will be held as prisoners of war.
So far as is known, no casualties resulted from any of the above sinkings.
There is nothing to report from other areas.
The Pittsburgh Press (May 6, 1942)
Japs seize 6,500 Americans as lack of food, shells ends 5-month siege
By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer
Even charge accounts get stringent limitation effective today
Urge passage of measure allowing requisition by government
Enemy offensive threat now develops toward Indian frontier
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer
Bowmanville, Ont., May 6 –
Two German officers, one a former resident of Montréal and New York, escaped from the Bowmanville prison camp last night, authorities disclosed today. All border points are being watched, but it is believed the Nazi prisoners are headed for Québec.