America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

U.S. war production now equals Britain’s

The Pittsburgh Press (May 3, 1942)

R-Days for sugar at hand; 1.5 million to get cards

Application for first war ration book to cover future shortages
By Dale McFeatters

No more lounge cars? –
Curbs planned in rail travel

Eastman sees elimination of duplicating services

Corregidor blasted almost continuously

Chinese slow drive on our own 'back door’

Troops of U.S. general check foe 40 miles from frontier
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer

Newspaper delivery conference slated

Rent increase will be asked by realtors

5% boost sought as alternative to U.S. freezing order

Army pilot killed

Wichita, Kan., May 2 –
Lt. Finlay K. Steele, 25, Wichita, an Army pilot, was killed today when his twin-motored Cessna trainer made a forced landing in flames.

Labor topics ‘controversial’ –
Biddle muzzles Arnold on union racket issues

By E. A. Evans, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Nation’s restaurants hide sugar bowl, revise recipes

Survey shows that most customers cooperate when limited to two spoonfuls with their meals

Morgenthau lauds gifts to war effort

Four Army fliers die in Texas crash

Landlords given warnings by OPA

Three Cleveland papers raise price to 4 cents

Hershey calls men over 35 in June draft

Boards to fill quotas in ratio to younger 1-As

Hoax on ‘casualty’ is scored by Army

Part of West Virginia may not be rationed

Axis envoys to sail from U.S. this week

Visits to sons in Army on Mother’s Day urged

Washington, May 2 (UP) –
Mothers are being encouraged to visit their sons in the Army next Sunday, Mother’s Day, the War Department said tonight.

Special church services will be held at Army posts in honor of the mothers. In instances where visits are not possible, officers and men are being urged to write letters home to their mothers.

Test awaited on bond buying

Forced savings expected if appeal fails