U.S. war production now equals Britain’s
The Pittsburgh Press (May 3, 1942)
Application for first war ration book to cover future shortages
By Dale McFeatters
Eastman sees elimination of duplicating services
Troops of U.S. general check foe 40 miles from frontier
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer
Wichita, Kan., May 2 –
Lt. Finlay K. Steele, 25, Wichita, an Army pilot, was killed today when his twin-motored Cessna trainer made a forced landing in flames.
By E. A. Evans, Scripps-Howard staff writer
Survey shows that most customers cooperate when limited to two spoonfuls with their meals
Washington, May 2 (UP) –
Mothers are being encouraged to visit their sons in the Army next Sunday, Mother’s Day, the War Department said tonight.
Special church services will be held at Army posts in honor of the mothers. In instances where visits are not possible, officers and men are being urged to write letters home to their mothers.