America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Tornado rips Oklahoma, 123 in town killed

Business district leveled in boom city, but war plant escapes

Finn who wouldn’t fight Japs kills self

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Defense Won’t Win book stirs capital controversy

Nobody argues that title isn’t right, but some points are raised

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House vote funds for Dies inquiry

Washington, April 28 (UP) –
The House, by a vote announced as 290–64, today approved an appropriation of $110,000 for the Dies Committee to continue its investigation of un-American activities until next January.

Allied convoys foil Axis subs, writer finds

U-boats steer clear of protected ships, attack lone vessels
By Leo S. Disher, United Press staff writer

40-mile limit opposed

Washington, April 28 –
The American Automobile Association today vigorously opposed a proposed law to set up a federal speed limit of 40 miles an hour and confiscate the cars of violators.

Senate sidesteps debate on labor legislation

Bridges says union lags at shipyards

Tokyo fears raids will mar birthday

By the United Press

Navy makes urgent request for blimps

Army plane crashes into USO building

What do the Marines get?

Portland, Ore. –
Portland policemen like the Army, but firemen take to the Navy. The city council granted four leaves of absence so patrolmen could enlist in the Army, and one fireman got permission to go into the Navy.

Japs bypass Mandalay and threaten Burma Road key point

Foe 67 miles from Lashio, may cut off escape route of British and Chinese
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer

Gas rationing probe requested by Weiss

Doctor kills three in family and self

American flier ‘christens’ son during bomber flight

Reporter witnesses ‘ceremony,’ later accompanies Turtle Creek aviator in air escort
By Harold Guard, United Press staff writer

Simms says –
China may get republic seen by Sun Yat Sen

22-year-old plans are still blueprints for new free rule
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard staff writer

American is put in charge of all Iceland troops

Replaces British general in Atlantic outpost

30 adrift for week get food from aircraft

On the home front –
Sugar books must be given where you eat most meals

Workers who dine 12 times weekly in hotel, for instance, must surrender tickets to institution