America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Ships wrecked by Nazi raiders dot East Coast

Six shattered hulks seen at once by writer on patrol flight
By Leo S. Fisher, United Press staff writer

NYA, CCC called prep schools for ‘pen’ by governor

U.S.-to-Russia fliers honored

Six officers, six enlisted men decorated

U.S. takes over beach

U.S. considers using coal to make gasoline

Product, however, likely to be expensive

U.S. to ask neutrality pledge from French government

May break with Laval’s Vichy regime

La Guardia fears attack if Hitler seizes fleet

Corregidor defeat –
Big guns shell Japs on Bataan

Ammunition, troop, truck concentrations blown up

Diplomats say MacArthur has full authority

Clarification of confusion created by statement of Army man due

Radio operator arrested on espionage charge

Why women in uniform? Here’s viewpoint

By Maxine Garrison

U.S. War Department (April 17, 1942)

Army Communiqué No. 194

Army Communiqué No. 195

The Pittsburgh Press (April 17, 1942)

U.S. recalls Ambassador to Vichy
Welles denounces French protest; charges pro-Nazi activities

British ship torpedoed

Congress helpless –
Army, Navy row angers public

Letters denounce rivalry for recruits
By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington corespondent

’Double check’ hit –
Labor battles wage freezing

AFL-CIO ‘cabinet’ serves notice on Roosevelt

Bataan’s fall places 60,000 in Japs’ hands

10 U.S. and six Filipino generals among troops and civilians lost

Big offensive by Army near, Stimson says

MacArthur is top man in Australia, Secretary of War declares

Train carrying troops crashes into freight

Already barred from mails –
U.S. jury to investigate Coughlin paper’s operations