America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

On the home front –
Man granted deferment asks to waive it but can’t

Must accept board’s 2-B classification, but he can enlist in Navy or Marine Corps

WPB suspends disposal of amusement machines

Heroes hailed after 2-month cruise in sub

War supply problems turned over to BEW

Hire older men too, Roosevelt requests

Battle rages on island far south of Luzon

Small force resists Japs on Cebu; Corregidor holds off foe

Enemy broadcast –
Japs promote ‘dead’ general

Homma reported in charge in Philippines

Studios plan to train women technicians

Loss of manpower due to war prompts new measures
By Paul Harrison

Naval commandant at Hawaii replaced

Army fliers win crosses over photos of Jap base

Nine decorated at Roosevelt’s request for heroism on secret mission that paved way for attack
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

GE pact with Krupp hurts war effort, Senators told

Jap carrier believed hit off Australia

By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Unemployment rise checked

Jobless ranks cut by 85,000 in February

The Pittsburgh Press (April 15, 1942)

U.S. fliers blast Philippines
Blow is first promised by MacArthur

Raid spreads destruction over islands; leader awarded DSC
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Hugh Johnson dies in capital

General was NRA chief, Roosevelt critic

Ship shortage imperils U.S. in war effort

Admiral says output must be increased to keep ahead of sinkings
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Social Justice banned in mail

Seditious activity charged to ex-Coughlin paper

Alcoa receives fine for trade restraint

Laval to head pro-Axis slate

He’ll be premier; sidesteps row with U.S.
By Ralph Heinzen, United Press staff writer

3-A men whose wives work faces draft calls in fall