America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Celebrating Bataan fall? Navy officer asks pickets

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Tire shortage blamed –
Medium truck output halted

Heavy jobs also banned for civilian use

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New, used typewriter rationing delayed

Ex-Langley commander flays 40-hour haggling

Hopes brave Americans giving 100-hour weeks in Western Pacific never hear about it
By Edward J. Lally Jr.

Manila Bay forts’ big guns fire from 'rock warships’

Corregidor leads squadron of ‘stationary dreadnaughts’ whose U.S.-Filipino crews live underground

Merchant Marine heroes will receive U.S. medals

Rubber programs still may not put tires on all cars

Industry at Akron looks upon glorified synthetic project as only enough to supply war needs; British must get some from U.S. too
By John W. Love, Scripps-Howard staff writer

FBI seizes 64 in Bund raids

Guns, ammunition also found in New York

Major decorated for Scottish flight

Army recalls rifles for use by U.S. allies

State Guard and MP units will get shotguns

Early drafting of U.S. women to be opposed

Employment Service and Army officials cite press of other tasks

Bataan heroes waited in vain for 10 planes

Built airdromes but air aid didn’t arrive, Navy aide says

U.S. submarine meets Jap fleet and whittles it down to size

Enemy depth charges rock American craft for half-day after it sinks first of 2 cruisers
By George Weller

Mechanized Jap columns imperil Mandalay defense

Chinese battle triple assault by reinforced foe; invasion thrust nears Burma oil fields

Army augments facilities –
U.S. takes over air equipment

Fourth of commercial planes appropriated

Filipinos still fight, Quezon reminds Japs

Resistance will continue, he says; Allied pilots blast Timor
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

If you insist on driving, follow four simple rules

Two ships sunk within an hour

U.S. vessels torpedoed off Georgia coast

Plane carve lines over thick jungle

Creation of military ‘feeder’ from Congo to Egypt and Middle East one of most successful chapters in war effort to date
By Peter Edson, special to the Pittsburgh Press

Inhuman agony finally forces heroes of Bataan to surrender

Reporter on Corregidor tells how illness and Japs wore down defenders
By Frank Hewlett

Frank Hewlett, United Press war correspondent who describes in the following dramatic dispatch the fall of Bataan, is a 31-year-old veteran of four months of sharing the privations and dangers of the American-Filipino troops.