America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

‘Welfare’ coffins charged to Army

Bernard Baruch, at 75, expects world prosperity for 25 years

Says use of brains only requirement – cutting war debt suggested at once

Peace news replaces movie climax for Yanks on Leyte

In Washington –
WPB moves to put shirts on our backs

New program to speed low-priced clothing

‘In 5 or 10 years in U.S.’ –
Tobin: ‘Free enterprise doomed’

AFL Teamster head cites British vote

Bedspread looms will hum again

WPB also releases awnings to public

Officers ‘hog’ seats, Hollywood star says

Millett: Budget time for family

Live with your children
By Ruth Millett

‘Test tube’ baby divorce asked

Secretary fights motion to contest Lupe’s will

Simms: China faces almost certain civil war

Chiang-Communist split widened
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Horrors of Cabanatuan revealed –
Captain dies aboard Jap ship as his prison diary forecast

District officer’s story brought back by buddy
By George F. Swetnam

Rockford, Illinois, to fight polio with DDT raid

Planes to spray affected areas

Congress may hear MacArthur speak

‘Ham’ radios told stay off the air!

Editorial: ‘Skinny’ should be there

Editorial: A blameless Hitler

Editorial: State Department shifts

Meeman: Greater than the atom!

By Edward J. Meeman, The Memphis Press-Scimitar editor

Like ‘dead ducks’ –
British airman tells how radar slowed Nazi raids

By Joseph H. Baird, North American Newspaper Alliance

Perkins: CIO’s biggest political bid

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Returning soldiers see civilians at their worst

Zelda Popkin reveals feelings of G.I.’s on home front scene in Journey Home
By Harry Hansen

Swooning honors go to S. Z. Sakall

He’s a ‘dream puss’ who swipes scenes away from handsome lads
By Maxine Garrison