America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Ferguson: A-hunting we will go!

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
No more atomic bombs?

By Bertram Benedict

Missionaries expect new era of progress in conquered Japan

Committee on cooperation to make plans at conference in September

Emperor on spot?
Trouble hinted inside Japan

Jap Army may be opposing Hirohito

Navy readjusts air training plan

17 shows coming to New York

Busy season soon to begin

Army will vacate 107 hotels by November 15

Millett: Share the ride triangles are all ‘squared’ now

This is where wifey came in and she’ll take the wheel again
By Ruth Millett

Durocher making F. Fritsch a piker – gets thumb again

By the United Press

Love: A day of thanks

By Gilbert Love

Stokes: New Deal resumes

By Thomas L. Stokes

Evans: Army schools

By Edward A. Evans

McNeil: Want $22,000?

By Marshall McNeil

Ability to drive an auto gives disabled vets big lift

Gadgets on car help one arm act for two
By Sally MacDougall

Air Force nurse veteran of 18 months jungle war

Rome unable to curtail black market

Racketeers replace Fascist Blackshirts

14 die in collision of superbombers

4 of B-29 crew missing; 9 of dead in B-32

80 WAVES become air navigators

Poll: Age big factor in changing gob’s uniform

Younger people favor new type
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Soldier and sailor spending keeps Panama from famine

Tiny republic’s real commodity is U.S. Army and Navy and canal employees
By Jack Bell

Neues Oosterreich (August 19, 1945)

Warum der U-Boot-Krieg misslang

Interessante Mittellungen über das ‚Radagerät‘

Denkmal der Befreiung