Independence of East Indies Nippon government approves final step
Imperial GHQ (August 7, 1945)
Salzburger Nachrichten (August 7, 1945)
Die Sprengkraft der bisher wirkungsvollsten Bombe zweitausendmal übertroffen
WASHINGTON (OWI) – Amtlich wird mitgeteilt, dass innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate 10.000 Frauen in das Frauen-Hilfskorps der US-Armee eingestellt werden. Es ist dies eine der Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung der Operationen gegen Japan und der Ablösung langdienender Soldaten aus den Kampfräumen.
La Stampa (Augst 7, 1945)
Rivelazioni di Truman sulla terribile arma segreta che viene ora adoperata contro il Giappone – Una potenza equivalente a venti tonnellate di alto esplosivo – L’energia che sostituirà in futuro quella che si trae dal carbone, dal petrolio, dagli impianti idroelettrici
L’Aube (August 7, 1945)
Sa force de destruction est 2.000 fois supérieure à celle des plus puissants explosifs connus jusqu’ici – Le président Truman et M. Attlee ont annoncé hier cette découverte sensationnelle des savants anglo-américains
Mais les généraux espagnols discutent du remplacement du caudillo
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 7, 1945)
When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, American pilots reported the great Japanese army base was cloaked with an impenetrable cloud of dust and smoke. The same impenetrable cloud covers the future of a world in which man has finally succeeded in harnessing the basic power of the universe.
For a long time, scientists have been trying to crack the atom and pseudo-scientists have been writing about the fantastic world such unleashed power would create. Not until the dramatic announcement was issued from the White House yesterday, however, did people know that any considerable progress had been made toward the goal. The most revolutionary secret weapon of the war was kept the most carefully guarded military secret until it was exploded on the Japs with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT.
That this most terribly destructive force in history, and greatest achievement of organized science, will prove a tremendous aid in shortening the war with Japan goes without saying. Secretary Stimson’s announcement to that effect apparently means that atomic bombs can be produced in decisive quantities. A few of them should be able to wipe out any city, a lot of them should be able to wipe Nippon literally off the face of the earth. When one plant can do the work of many thousands, the art of destruction has been multiplied to an unprecedented scale.
After the cloud of smoke and dust has risen above the ruins of Hiroshima, perhaps Jap warlords will reconsider the ultimatum of the Allied powers calling on them to surrender to save their people from total destruction.
But an atomic bomb with the explosive force of 20,000 tons of TNT will prove more than the decisive weapon of this war. It is a turning point in history. Either the human race must put an end to war or this basic power of the universe will put an end to the human race.
It was only because the pseudo-scientists got a bit ahead of the real scientists that the world pulled through this time. As Mr. Truman said, “We may be grateful to Providence the Germans got the V-1s and V-2s late and in limited quantities, and even more grateful that they did not get the atomic bomb at all.” But having been saved by Providence in this conflict, peace-loving peoples can never expect that good fortune again. Now they know that the next war – if it comes – will be launched with the demolition of cities, not the destruction of fleets.
Fortunately, Nature is completely impartial, even when her most terrible secret is wrested from her. The power wrapped up in a single bomb which can explode with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT may someday do the work of many thousands of men. If it is not used to smash the world into bits, it should ultimately turn the wheels of unparalleled prosperity.
The Pittsburgh Press (August 7, 1945)
Countermeasures being taken against weapon, foe claims
If Japs decide to fight on, atomic bomb will demolish their homeland