America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Petain called liberator of thousands of French

Prince testifies marshal’s surrender to Nazis saved people from fate of Poles

Three-way control runs Pacific War

Nimitz retains Navy command on Okinawa

Retreating Japs slay civilians

Homes also wrecked at Kanhsien, China

Drivers awarded paid vacations

Vandenberg lists 7-power peace power

Wants delegates’ rights defined

Typhoon damages carrier USS Hornet

Ship fought Japs for 14 months

Simms: Europe faces starvation but waits U.S. aid

Efforts to help herself suggested
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Army-Congress friction perils compulsory drill

Hard times ahead, Germans told

Sinatra rescues boy from water

Editorial: The Vandenberg Plan

Editorial: Yankee trading needed

Editorial: Chicago, here we come

Edson: OPA still trying to roll back clothing prices

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Let good enough alone

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Borneo’s strange customs

By Frank Aston

Millett: Stand behind your pledge

Lay your plans to aid soldiers
By Ruth Millett

Frau Emmy Goering: Own doctor tried to poison Hitler as a madman

‘Crazy ideas’ of Fuehrer are described
By Curt Riess

Europe after the war –
Venice proves nice spot as rest camp for 5,000 G.I.’s

Touring press writer finds Rome dull, black market prevalent
By Henry Ward

Final mop-up starts on Luzon

Yank patrols active in wilderness

Airborne troops enter Berlin

Othman: The press room

By Fred Othman