America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Japs get answer quickly through radio broadcasts

Actual Allied note on surrender may take hours to reach enemy via diplomatic channels

Red victors over Germans battling Japs

Malinovsky’s troops gain 50 miles more

U.S. will restore relations with Finns

WASHINGTON (UP, Aug. 11) – The United States is expected to restore formal diplomatic relations with Finland soon.

Russia announced Monday she has restored relations with the Finnish government and Great Britain is expected to follow suit.

The United States already has a small staff in Finland. Maxwell M. Hamilton is U.S. representative with the personal rank of Minister.

Bomb erases Hiroshima’s heart

Billowing high into the sky, smoke from atomic-bombed Hiroshima rises 20,000 feet above the city, while smoke from the burst of the bomb spreads over 10,000 feet of the target at the base of the rising column. This is an Army reconnaissance picture. (U.S. Army Radiotelephoto)

New type of bomb smashed Nagasaki

First atomic weapon already obsolete
By Hazel Hartzog, United Press staff writer

Mustang pilots hit 60 Jap rivercraft

CHUNGKING, China (UP, Aug. 11) – Maj. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer announced today U.S. Mustangs destroyed or damaged more than 60 Japanese steamers and smaller craft in sweeps against the Yangtze and Siang Rivers yesterday.

There was no opposition and all aircraft participating in operations returned safely to base.

Now it can be told –
London expected Germans to use super-explosives

Air raid workers were trained to deal with something like the atomic bomb
By William H. Stoneman

Now it can be told –
Nazis executed 15 Yanks in Italy

Rules of warfare were disregarded

Phony veterans assailed by Hines

Army discharges Hatfield survivor

And now they’re in the saddle –
British Labor Party is pledged to open Palestine to Jews

Such a plan would be direct reversal of policy set up under Chamberlain
By I. L. Kenen, written for the Press and NEA Service

China to receive vast supplies

Shipments to follow surrender of Japan

210 casualties on destroyer, sub

Armless, legless Yank aided by comedians

Japan won’t get UNRRA help

V-J Day may cut budget $30 billion

Carriers won war, says Mitscher

Chinese Communists accept Jap surrender

SAN FRANCISCO, California (UP, Aug. 11) – The Yenan radio reported today that Gen. Chu Teh, Chinese Communist commander-in-chief, has ordered his forces to arrange for the disarming of Jap and puppet troops in the Communists’ zones of operations. Gen. Chu interpreted the Jap government’s peace offer as “unconditional surrender, the Yenan report said.

102 chaplains killed in war; 100 wounded, 34 are held by enemy

602 serving with Army awarded 754 decorations for heroic acts

Texas jails Swedes who went sightseeing

Poll: Public critical of unions’ practices

Many suggest more restrictions
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Here’s good news?
U.S. takes all control off dehydrated garlic powder

Federal boys putting on brakes to halt ‘red-tape’ traction belts, ‘paperclip’ gears
By Frederick C. Othman, United Press staff writer