America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Truman ends row on reconversion

Old control plan to be retained

Truman to speak on radio tonight

WASHINGTON (UP) – President Truman’s radio report to the nation at 10 o’clock tonight will reveal some of the background of Russia’s agreement to join the Allies in the Pacific.

The 30-minute address over all networks will also supply additional details of the Big Three Berlin Conference, and will deal briefly with the atomic bomb.

Worlds to come

By Florence Fisher Parry

Perkins: New labor bill is denounced by AFL

Control of industrial relations condemned
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Writing about atomic bomb puts physicist in hot water

War Department warns him he could be imprisoned and then he collapses

Ousted by wife, Baruch Jr. says

She tossed bottles at him, he asserts

In Washington –
Recalling of Congress up to Truman

Sen. Kilgore wants session resumed

Reds’ entry hastens peace, Communist says

Japan faces air raids from all directions

Hokkaido menaced by Siberian bases

Court set up for war trials

Top Nazis to face 4-power tribunal

Men who beat Nazis bolster Reds in Asia

Russians have big war plants in Siberia

First dispute between Japs, Russia dates back 70 years

Since Czar took southern half of Sakhalin in 1875, Far East powers clashed many times

U.S. planes blast 59 Jap vessels

Strike from Korea to Malaya in south

War drama in Washington: How U.S. got the news

Lounging reporters startled as President tells them, on short notice, of Russia’s action

Secret force hurled against Japs by Reds

Red banner armies based in three areas
By Harrison Salisbury, United Press foreign news editor

Human decency last hope for saving civilization

British Royal Society head urges international agreement to control use of atomic energy
By William H. Stoneman

Atomic bomb ban asked by lobby

Peace drill argued despite atomic bomb

Both pros and cons continue adamant
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Atomic experts, Truman confer

Details of new weapon delayed

Bomb can be used in three ways

Parachute, rocket, ship’s gun suggested

U.S. offers Japs new relief ship