America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Die Siegesbotschaft Trumans

L’Aube (September 4, 1945)

La dynastie japonaise instrument de la collaboration avec les Américains

Youngstown Vindicator (September 4, 1945)

Chinese units fly to Nanking for surrender

Truman tells armed forces world must preserve peace

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Truman told members of the armed services in a V-J broadcast Sunday night that “with the destructive force of war removed from the world we can now turn to the grave task of preserving the peace which you gallant men and women have won.”

The President asserted that we must collaborate with our Allies and other nations in this task.

“They are as determined as we are that war must be abolished from the earth, if the earth, as we know it, is to remain. Civilization cannot survive another total war.”

Speaks from White House

Speaking from the White House on a V-J Day program which originated in Hollywood, Mr. Truman told the armed forces:

The high tide of victory will carry us forward to great achievements in the era which lies ahead. But we can perform them only in a world which is free from the threat of war.

We depend on you, who have known war in all its horror, to keep this nation aware that only through cooperation among all nations can any nation remain wholly secure.

The President said the people at home, though thousands of miles away from most of the armed forces, “are close to you in deep gratitude and in a solemn sense of obligation.”

“They remember – and I know they will never forget – those who have gone from among you, those who are maimed, those who, thank God, are still safe after years of fighting and suffering and danger.”

President Truman was introduced from Hollywood by Pfc. Alton Bouchard of San Francisco, who 60 hours ago was on Okinawa where he was wounded while serving the 381st Infantry Regiment of the 96th Division.

Master of ceremonies for the Armed Forces Radio Service broadcast was Bing Crosby. Bob Hope read a eulogy to war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Bing sang “White Christmas,” and Orson Welles read a prayer written by a Navy enlisted man, Yeoman Third Class William Welch. There were songs, too, by Frances Langford and Frank Sinatra.

Japan hungry for U.S. news

Surrender no surprise because Nips listened to Yank broadcasts
By Hal Boyle, Associated Press staff writer

Army-Navy agreement delayed surrender story

TOKYO (AP) – Delay in transmitting stories on the formal surrender of Japan aboard the battleship USS Missouri was caused by an Army-Navy agreement on a 10:30 a.m. release time to enable all correspondents to reach their respective filing points, a spokesman for Gen. MacArthur said Monday.

The ceremony ended at 9:18 a.m. Sunday (8:18 p.m. Saturday ET). if immediate filing had been permitted, correspondents accredited to the Navy would have had a wide time margin for reaching the naval transmission ship standing only 100 yards from the Missouri.

On the other hand, Army correspondents had to travel 20 miles by destroyer to Yokohama where their copy, censored aboard, was sent to a transmission ship and Tokyo radio for relay to San Francisco.

In addition, newsmen aboard a special Strategic Air Force plane were bound by the release time for they had press transmission facilities and could have scooped the 300 correspondents aboard the Missouri by giving a play-by-play report from the air.

Hodges, First Army chief, sees Japanese surrender

NEW YORK – NBC said that Lt. Gen. Courtney Hodges, commander of the U.S. First Army, was present at the Japanese surrender aboard the battleship USS Missouri. A pooled broadcast disclosed for the first time that Hodges was in the Pacific, NBC said.

Address by Japanese Premier Higashikuni on Reasons for Defeat
September 5, 1945

Delivered to the Diet
Tokyo, Japan





























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Youngstown Vindicator (September 5, 1945)

Premier urges Japanese to admit defeat

TOKYO, Japan (UP) – Premier Prince Higashikuni called upon the Japanese nation today to admit defeat and to fulfill “manfully, faithfully and with broadmindedness” all Allied surrender terms.

“We are now tasting the bitter cup of defeat,” he told the Imperial Diet on the second and final day of its 88th extraordinary session.

He said the war had been brought to an end “solely through the benevolence of our sovereign” and warned the Japanese people that their duty now lay in “absolute obedience to the imperial will.”

Blames air raids

In tracing the factors that led to Japan’s capitulation, he revealed that:

  • American air raids cut Japanese production to 25 percent of the pre-war figure long before the introduction of the atomic bomb.

  • The coal shortage had become so acute in the final months of the war that many factories were in the point of closing down for that reason alone.

  • Air raids and depreciation of rolling stock halved the carrying capacity of Japanese railroads in the past year.

  • Ship losses and the American blockade reduced the carrying capacity of Japanese ships to 25 percent of the pre-war figure.

  • Air raids killed and wounded hundreds of thousands of persons, burned 2,200,000 houses and gradually destroyed great, medium and even small cities with “calamitous consequences.”

  • The ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, targets of the only two atomic bombs dropped during the war, were “too ghastly to look upon.”

Higashikuni said the causes of Japan’s defeat were so numerous that “all we can do is to appeal to his imperial magnanimity to pardon our unpardonable stupidity.”

“There is little use in going back to the past and trying to put the blame on one person or another,” he said.

“General repentance is demanded of the whole nation. No doubt we committed mistakes. Our methods were faulty in not a few respects, nor can it be said that our efforts were always exerted in the right direction.”

Higashikuni read the same speech before the House of Peers in the morning and before the House of Representatives in the afternoon. He spoke in a high-pitched voice without gestures, but occasionally somewhat passionately.

Executioner takes 6 cuts with sword

Victim is one of many war prisoners tortured and slain; some buried alive; 150 Yanks forced inside tunnels, then burned with gasoline

Japs surrender Wake; Marines hoist U.S. flag

No Pearl Harbor invasion? Japs feared supply problem

Naval intelligence ‘cracked’ Jap code

SYDNEY, Australia (UP) – Defense Minister John A. Beasley said tonight that U.S. naval intelligence had “cracked” the Japanese naval cipher code just before the battle of the Coral Sea.

Beasley said solving of the Japanese code had enabled the Americans to anticipate Japanese ship movements, which was the deciding factor in the battle.

It had been repeatedly rumored that the American Navy had succeeded in cracking the Japanese code cypher early in the war.

Army may release men over 34, 45-pointers

231 U.S. airmen landed in Siberia

Youngstown Vindicator (September 6, 1945)

U.S. to disarm 7 million Japs within a month

USS Houston survivors die as slaves of Japanese

By Walter Rundle, United Press staff writer

OSS submits intelligence service plan

Central agency would distribute data for U.S. on world doings

Tokyo Rose may have been American agent in Japan

Raids on Japan killed 241,309

U.S. State Department (September 6, 1945)

740.00115 PW/8-2445: Airgram

The Minister in Switzerland to the Secretary of State

Bern, August 24, 1945
[Received September 6 — 7 p.m.]

American Interests–Occupied China. Your telegrams 1869, May 22–6 p.m., and 2148, June 26.

Foreign Office note August 23 states Swiss Legation Tokyo has received from Minister Togo following reply:

  1. Only military reasons necessitated transfer persons interned Shanghai and not as claimed by American Government desire to protect certain regions against bombardment;

  2. Plants and enterprises in regions Sacred Heart Hospital are mostly without military character and do not therefore constitute objects legitimate attack. These are additionally situated considerable distance from hospital. If therefore Allied aviation takes, as it should, necessary precaution measures, security of hospital assured, even if Allied aviation attacks illegally the plants referred to;

  3. Clear that United States must be held responsible for security civilians in centers because if American forces continue employ inhuman methods contrary at [to] laws war, such as blind bombing without seeing military objectives and without regard civilians, will be very difficult Japan despite its efforts assure security civil centers;

  4. Opinion American British authorities regarding transfer civilians therefore unjustified and Japan fulfils humanitarian obligations in devoting all efforts treatment civilians in centers, notably in furnishing comfortable and hygienic lodgings and in taking necessary measures care given sick.

Foreign Office adds foregoing telegraphic response suffered delay 10 days in transmission.


711.94114A/8-3045: Airgram

The Minister in Switzerland to the Secretary of State

Bern, August 30, 1945
[Received September 6 — 7 p.m.]

American Interests–Far East–Japanese treatment American aviators. Foreign Office notice, August 29, referring numerous comunications relative treatment aviators captured by Japanese forces, gives following information based telegram Swiss Legation, Tokyo:

Gorgé has not failed insist numerous occasions in conversations with officials Japanese Foreign Office on necessity authorize visit camps where American aviators held. Legation has always devoted most particular attention to condition this category POWs in Japanese hands. Additionally Gorgé emphasized during course interviews that if Japanese did not see possibility authorize visits American aviators Japan nevertheless had obligation at least furnish indications relative their status. Finally Gorgé made new pressing representations with Minister Suzuki in an effort to have the War Ministry agree to his wishes. All his efforts remained however without result.

August 20, Japanese Foreign Office recalling numerous written and above all oral representations Gorgé informed latter he might visit aviators in camp near Tokyo. Nevertheless Minister Suzuki required Legation to make formal demand this regard. Gorgé considered this requirement surprising but in order prevent further delay addressed Japanese Foreign Ministry August 21, note of which following substance:

  1. Since beginning Swiss Legation has continually insisted that it be permitted visit regularly all POW and CI camps without exception.

  2. Efforts of Swiss Legation unhappily without satisfactory results and even this year it has been able to visit only two POW camps Tokyo.

  3. During its various representations Swiss Legation has insisted on necessity to permit it visit aviators or at least that it be furnished with precise information regarding them.

  4. Japanese War Ministry is today disposed authorize visits to camps in question.

Although this information is tardy Swiss Legation accepts it with satisfaction and is immediately giving instruction to its delegate, M. Ruch, in order that he holds himself at the disposal of the Japanese War Ministry.

Gorgé adds that this matter gives an idea of the difficulties which he still now encounters. Actually after all his representations with view to inspect prisoner camps and after having declared officially that he would visit these camps without regard to time or place subject to the wishes of the Japanese military authorities, the latter still demand at the moment when the war is ending to make a special request in order to visit any particular camp.