Last weekend my son and I visited the AAF Tank Museum in Virginia, USA. Our interest was driven mostly due to our having watched WW2 In Real Time. We did not expect to see a large uniform collection, including those of major figures from WW2. We spoke with the museum owner, and he has been collecting military items most of his life. Evidently he is stepping away from the museum and wants to donate the whole thing (not piece it out). I’m not sure there’s a large market for receiving a museum donation, but maybe someone knows someone.
The museum helped us understand more about the development of tanks and other armored vehicles in warfare, and also gave us a unique opportunity to glimpse pieces of history from the series. After we got back home we watched a few episodes, and I will say I had gained new perspective. I came to better imagine how difficult it must have been to be in the tanks, crossing difficult terrain and under attack. Then there’s the reality of the devastation caused by use of such machines and weaponry.
My uncle (my mother’s only brother) was 19 years old when he was killed while fighting in Vietnam. I was not quite 2 years old at the time, so I don’t remember him. Over my life I did see the secondhand trauma his death brought upon my family. The AAF Tank Museum had a tank and/or an ACV of the type on which he served. From what I understand he was a quiet, loving person. I expect his service was very difficult for him. Thinking of him going through that makes me sad.
Thanks to all involved in the TimeGhost Army for your work educating about the realities of war.
I’ve attached one photo from our visit, and have others if I’m able to share in this forum.