9/11 23rd anniversary livestream alert

Starting this livestream in five hours… at 6 a.m. EDT

“23 years and still facing its consequences…”


As was the case in previous livestreams: Make sure to join in at any time on the Kosmi room linked above between 6 a.m. and 12 midnight EDT for the 9/11/01 23rd anniversary livestream.

Make sure you have a microphone for audio chats during the stream (if not, discuss in the regular chat). Do not pause the stream during the chats – lowering the volume will work (real-time stream). Signing in is not required.

Everybody can join in.

Once again, anytime between 6 a.m. EDT and 12 midnight EDT. The stream will start in five hours.

1 hour to go!

25 minutes to go!

Stream just started

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12 hours till midnight: