The valiant Defenders of Ukraine

Are you suggesting that after suffering so much in the past, Russian people need to trust westerners again? Evan after so many broken agreements, wars that they have caused, regime changes, support for dictatorships of worst kind?
It is was clearly explained so many times in the past. And most of the world understands it.

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The Russian people don’t need to trust the west , east , north , south , or their own regime but they also should not just invade a neighbour who did nothing to them and was already brutalised by the Russians in the past


So, because you don’t trust the west, it is ok to invade a weaker neighbouring country? Sorry, but I don’t see the logic in that.

Also, you haven’t actually said it out loud, but are you seriously trying to defend Russia’s actions here?


Meanwhile on a positive note Nordstream is getting a Egypt/Israeli Southstream sibling. See peace is an option and Putin sees his energy hold weakening.


If only western democratic people could elect less warmongering leaders world would be much happier place.

That’s the same guy who pushed Ukraine into confrontation with their own people and neghbours.

And in 2016, different warmongers though.

Ukrainians, and their western overlords, had eight years to implement Minsk agreements (and UN resolutions). Russian people were very patient. Things only got worse. Last time around patience costed Russians more than 20mil lives.

Whey, of course not.

And this is what Ukranian president had in store for people and children of Donbass.
So much hate, for his own people.

Then what are you trying to prove here? I am genuinely asking, because if you are not trying to defend Russia’s actions in Ukraine, then what is it that these claims need to support?

That you are Nazi supporter.
Never forget.

Personally, I find Nazism disgusting. Together with those who support it, or stay quiet when it is happening.


That’s pretty hurtful coming from someone who is literally supporting a fascist regime.

Also, it’s false. Ukraine is not a fascist, let alone Nazi, dictatorship. It’s a democratic republic, or at least moreso than Russia, or Serbia for that matter. They may have issues with far-right nationalism, but there’s few countries who don’t these days. Having issues with far-right nationalism is however far from being a full-blown fascist dictatorship. That map you show is pretty, but it does not represent the real views on the issue. Rather it is a UN vote on a resolution Russia puts up every year to smear the US. If you actually bother looking into the explanation of the US vote, you will find the following.

These thinly veiled attempts of smearing Ukraine as nazis is characteristic of your arguments in this disussion so far. It’s thin, it’s outrageous, it’s offensive and it’s hypocritical. Most importantly, it’s wrong. There’s no coherent argument that states a fact and connects it to a logical conclusion.

If we’re going to call in bloggers, I might as well throw up this: It will do a much better job at logically debunking your lies than I could do with limited time.


BTW, that was related to your inability to see logic. Just wanted to show you how dangerous it is to make assumptions.

Logic of security is such that it is indivisible - there can’t be security for the western elite if there is no security for Russia, China, Serbia, Libya, Syria, …

At the moment, west is run by idiotic warmongering elite that endangers security for the whole planet. Planet is finally fighting back.

Listen, learn.
“I have never seen a situation in which totalitarian control was so extreme as it is in the United States right now.”

The pot calling the kettle black. If there is anyone who has demonstrably shown an incapability of logic and reasoning it is you @dejan. Your logic goes as far as: “West bad, thus Russia good”. You have also shown an incapability to recognize how arguments are build up and attack its constructions. When presented with fallacies in your logic, you just present a new argument, because you are actually incapable of constructive arguments. If you blame me for making assumptions, point them out and explain how they are wrong, but that is not something you can do, because I don’t speak bullshit. You speak a lot of it however.

This doesn’t exactly prove anything you’ve said earlier. You also don’t even try to connect it to a reasonable argument or explain how the two are related. You just put it out there in the hope people agree with the statement and therefore agree with your argument. Constructive arguments don’t work like that.

Yeah, sure, but I don’t see how global warming is related to the topic.

On another day, I will gladly have a discussion on how the US is f*cked in so many different days, but not with the connotation that doing so proves the validity of an aggressive war or a dictatorial regime.

Additionally, Noam Chomsy, for all the good that he did, has had a few bad takes on the conflict. Let a few Ukrainian scholars point out his logical fallacies. The problem with leftist intellectuals like Chomsky is that they are so hyper focused on the US that they bend the role of others in an argument to better serve their anti-American opinions. Now I don’t like America either with its large fascist movement, but that doesn’t mean I should disregard the imperialism of others. It’s not just about the US.

And please read that article of those Ukrainian scholars, because they very accurately and with very simple language attack the logical fallacies Russophiles such as you tend to have. Open Letter to Noam Chomsky (and Other Like-Minded Intellectuals) on the Russia-Ukraine War - Notes - e-flux


The latest from Austria:

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You keep on missing the point - there is no argument here. This is a public forum that deals with history, events that, in my view, led to something that will change the world for ever.
I am presenting my view that might be of interest for some.
I am interested to see what other’s views are. Your views are of little interest for me, since they reflect propaganda and irrational hatred that I can see elsewhere.

I read it.As usual, waste of time. Low level American “academics” (economists at that - how is economy going?) with ties to Ukraine and NGOs, produced inconsequential propaganda pamphlet with their opinions and not supported with any evidence other than their, pretty irrelevant, opinions.

On the other hand, opinion of ex-president of Ukraine could be of more value - in this interview given on June 15 to several media, including Radio Svoboda (subsidiary of the Radio Free Europe station, financed by the United States Congress)

The former Ukrainian president confessed that the Minsk agreements, which Moscow has been demanding for several years, had served kyiv to strengthen its armed forces, and not to put an end to the conflict in the Donbass.

That somewhat contradicts opinions of “academics” - peace and diplomacy were not of general interest for Ukrainian leadership. They were more interested in confrontation with their citizens and neighbours, as directed by US/NATO.

Realists are not pro-Russian, Russophiles or anti-west. We just follow the facts and evidence and connect the dots.

Two hours worth spending on understanding how did we get where we are and danger of our predicament.

Imagine sitting there for two hours, listening to some boring-ass lecture by some no-named professor, all so you can get your daily dose of confirmation-bias. Sad.


Correct, because it’s busted. You just don’t dare to admit it.

A view that’s provably false and therefore shouldn’t be listened to by anybody.

The propaganda and hatred you spew is damaging and therefore it deserves to be fought.

I you mean that you can see rational arguments elsewhere but still choose to believe this crap, then that says a lot about your mental capabilities.

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I personally wouldn’t call professors at UC Berkeley low level academics, but then you do somehow believe that prof. Maersheimer has any credibility. Interesting how that works. Apparently you decide whether someone has any credibility based on whether you believe them. Apparently you also think that their Ukrainian heritage is irrelevant to the argument. This says a lot about your selectiveness with arguments.

This is some very disingenuous framing you are doing. First of all, this interview is actually pretty hard to find, so it would have been nice of you to actually provide a proper reference. Also, in the same context, the Ukrainian leadership explained how they don’t saw Moscow’s claims as credible and that the Minsk agreements served their purpose in delaying an outright confrontation with the Russian Federation. Peace was never an option for Moscow and the Ukrainians knew it.

Now take that out of context and you can somehow spin the line “Ukraine does not trust Russia’s promises on peace” into “Ukraine wants war with its neighbours”. Ukraine does not want war, but it also doesn’t want to be a Russian puppet. They have a right to self-determination like everybody else.


Hate to point out this and many other articles pointing out that the:

1 Sanctions aren’t really working India and China are still buying oil and paying for it big time
2 Russia is actually defeating the Ukranian forces, they can adept to
3 In spite of the ginormous planned outlays it take lots of time to get new weapon systems

Also I doubt whether there still is a real will to confront Russia, so far sending some weapons and letting the Ukranians doe the dying is one thing but I personally I am not sure if the NATO/EU Europe is really ready or even should want a face off. E.g should a direct war be risked for Lithuania? Is there political will.

I am not very positive about it and the “Russia has already lost” jubilant voices have quiteted down.

Ukraine crisis: Why is India buying Russian oil? - BBC News

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