Originally published at: http://timeghost.tv/the-russians-are-coming-004-ww2-september-22-1939/
Facebook Twitter Google+ EmailLink When the USSR crushes the plans of the Allies for Poland and the Japanese plans in China in the same week, it is Germany that benefits. Written and Hosted by: Indy Neidell Produced and Directed by: Spartacus Olsson and Astrid Deinhard Executive Producers: Bodo Rittenauer, Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson…
Thank you to you all for joining us for this great ride though the first three weeks of this magnificent adventure! 85,000 subs on WW2 and 45,000 on TimeGhost and almost 1.000 Patreon recruits to the TimeGhost Army. We’re awed by the support!
Great job!
A minor nitpick: “ch” in Vyacheslav is a “Voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate”(apparently there is such thing XD)
The closest English equivalent is “Voiceless postalveolar affricate”(I honestly can’t tell the difference XD) like in “chip”.
Is anybody else getting a bunch of circular pause buttons over the top of the video that won’t go away?
Irony thy name is Nazi extermination policy.
I couldn’t help notice that on the graphic with some of the names of people who were “mentally ill” that the Nazis murdered it had somebody who had Parkinson’s disease. You know, like Hitler had…
I’m getting those too. Were you able to find a way to get rid of them? Makes it really hard to watch the video.
We’re working in that problem, it’s a bit mysterious - should be fixed soon though. Fast workaround: click on “watch on youtube” in the player. Our apologies.
I ended up opening page source, finding the player element and ripping the youtube link from there.
I wasn’t able to click on the player, so I had to resort to what I described above =)
Fixed now… I had checked the wrong box in a place. Sorry!
A photo taken just off the coast of Ireland. Something awful happened there.
I see “video unavailable”, has the video been made private or deleted?