Spartacus, this question has been a deep one. Why did the Allies, especially America, did not do anything to combat racism in their armies?

This is an excellent resource indeed.


I did. I mean, like how we got the Congressional Black Caucus now or like how Biden Cabinet is. Idk, Iā€™m always for change.

This question still lingers, why was the president, of all people, so scaredā€¦ Of a small (into today terms) of a base in Congress? Couldnā€™t he technically fire em? Again, I get the risks and all, but why not risk it, so that everyone couldā€™ve been treated a little fairly. But I digress

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Because it wasnā€™t that small a base?

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Controversial comment, but change for the sake of change is not the way to go. Thatā€™s what the left fails to realize.

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Man, based sucks a lot when itā€™s used for evil. Dang social norms then.

I mean like change. Like racial change, social change. Economic change. Those type of changes back than. FDR, if you would take a political test on him, heā€™d idk heā€™d be left of moderate? Canā€™t say since heā€™s dead.

But, why didnā€™t he or his staffers condemn Britain? I never understood why he didnā€™t. I mean I do, but I mean I also donā€™t

(Condemn em during WW2)

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It wasnā€™t social norms either. Most of the populace was rather apathetic, if not sympathetic.

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Days like this, wish we had a time machine.

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Definitely farther left.

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Thatā€™s what I like about him, although he couldā€™ve done a lot more. Both from a health issue (yk cuz he didnā€™t live to see yk) and government side. But we see why, so I understand that part now


I donā€™t. Though if I did have a time machine, I would go back to the late '80s :stuck_out_tongue:


Probably '42 and stop Roosevelt from running again to save his strength. Then go at it again when heā€™s fully strengthened

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The media did a good job covering for his failing health.

Speaking of political matters, accusations of racial prejudice were even in 1940 used for political purposes:

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Frankly I donā€™t. I see him as an authoritarian.

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No wonder why FDR won the third term in a huge landslide

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It depends on who sees his terms. He helped a lot with the New Deal (albeit it didnā€™t help everyone), managed to bounce back from the depression, couldā€™ve done more if Japan didnā€™t attack us, but history only know


That was a false accusation on their part. Yes, Willkieā€™s hometown was a sundown town of sorts (not really), but Willkie himself wasnā€™t prejudiced.

And FDR won because of the war and Willkieā€™s policy similarities to FDRā€™s.

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The 1946 Depression called.

I never seen him as racist (the candidate). But I felt he wasnā€™t really a strong president for WW2

He did do much, just not in the way our Founding Fathers would be proud of, at least in terms of governing the nation.

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Happens after a big war, so thatā€™s a pass