Racism of the US Army - Fighting for Freedom? - WW2 Special

And to the TimeGhost forum members, please take care to go through all the sources I have listed here, even the ones you would disagree with. :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing another wealth of information :+1:


Gosh Norman, this due diligence is much appreciated!!


Very impressive ceremony. Which never made the media here in NL.

Very touching speeches. Especially how at 1.01 Democratic Senator Robert Byrd West - Virgina (with walking stick) eagerly shook hands with the Tuskegee airman.

In WW2 Robert Byrd was not in the military but a member of the Ku Klux Klan who worked as Kleagle (recruiter) an rose up to Exalted Cyclops (leader of a chapter of these murdering idiots). Obama chose to never condemn his past. That’s politics for you.

But while we can’t read Byrds mind it is still a massive shift from the 1940s when the same pilot might have swinging on a tree from his gang.

In the Netherlands his background never made the media altough they used his footage with, the narrative was democrats =good(Byrd?) Republicans (Lincoln?) is evil.

The real history is much more complex.

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The IG account @ww2_day_by_day currently has a post that outlines the so called ‘Townsville Mutiny’ in Australia. The claim is made that on May 22 1942, many hundreds of black troops rioted and turned machine guns on white officers-many people died according to the post. The US ‘coverup’ the whole thing, but the event was ‘uncovered’ by Australian Historian Ray Holyoak way out in 2012 and he got much publicity for his efforts-a truly amazing accomplishment!!..

Apparently no record of this incredible ‘event’ exists with the US Army and no military trials for murder or anything else associated with ‘event’ are on record. But wait, Roy Holyoak has not given up!-in March of 2021, he set up a gofundme for 40,000 AUS so he could travel to the US, do research and finally put an end to this mystery!!! The link is here: FUND RAY HOLYOAK

I hope this ends ok for all of us. :slight_smile:


Only one death was somewhat reported in the incident, iirc.

Here’s the story of the mutiny (consider this an extension of my America at War thread :wink:):


I can’t help but also question whether this event was somewhat overshadowed by a murderer among our troops – Ed Leonski.


Norman, thanks for sharing. At the very bottom of that info in ‘acknowledgements’ is states the Roy Holyoak was part of providing this information on the attack.

Mr Holyoak, 9 years on, still does not have definitive proof of his assertion of a mutiny or how many people died.

I smell BS.


Come to think of it, it’s been 9 years and I have yet to see the actual report.

Whenever I do a search on the incident, it’s always news articles from 2012 purporting to said reports of the incident.

If any of you have the actual report, please share it.


Precisely, 2012 only. Holyoak’s gofundme that I posted above requests money so he can come to the states and ‘investigate’ and find the truth.

BTW is 2012 with the first black president of the US in his first term, you think Mr Holyoak would find accommodation of his requests at the US Army.


From the Pittsburgh Press (May 21, 1942), on the Navy situation:

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I can’t believe I missed this in my initial post, because it’s a pet peeve of mine. I really dislike the term “people of color”. Not only grammatically questionable, but it seems as if the video was trying to be politically correct (which historians should really stop doing). Just like the content of that video. :roll_eyes:

I may be old-fashioned, but “blacks”, “colored people,” and even “Negro” are just fine imho.


All good points Norman.

In this post, I really do like your ‘My Suggestions’ for TimeGhost- apparently they needed reminding that history is not malleable and modern politics have no place in it.


I don’t totally, the balance and checks in the 14 points had the goal to prevent another war

Apart from illogicalities it makes for a moving target as politically correct alternatives became politically incorrect. If you go that road any publication runs the risk of cancellation.

History belongs in its historic timeframe people are smart enough to understand that language changed over time, even if they pretend not to. :roll_eyes:


An editorial from the Brooklyn Eagle (August 31, 1942):


I didn’t see the episode yet, but this is a fascinating answer which gives a better understanding to a complex problem. A lot of work. Thanks Norman.


It’s a weak presentation, as revealed here…


Thank you for your kind words. :slight_smile: Race relations and segregation in the U.S. was and still is a passionate topic for me, partly because of family history (I’m a descendant of slave owners) and also partly because of how the way it’s being taught had been corrupted over the years by ideologues, the ridiculousness of which we still have to deal with and rectify today.

I do have to say though, this video was at least better than the Cold War channel’s video on the Civil Rights Movement, which somehow managed to be even worse than Sparty’s video in that the presenter was more deliberate in his ideological twists.


Wait… How was it controversial?


To give you an example: Churchill condemned it, Kipling defended it.


Here’s another important article:

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