Historical Comic Books

I’ve made a post on it back in October. Dad loved this comic back in 1941 and he still loves reading it again and again.


Were both of them heavily political? or was that aspect Kirby’s doing?


I’ve recently stumbled again upon one of my favourites Sturmtruppen sequences, here it is with my amateurish translation.

Stur 4


This is amazing.
Do you know if this ever got translated because this is exactly the kind of humor I like.


I know for sure that the comic Sturmtruppen has been translated in German so an English translation seems probable, about the current availability of this strip abroad I wouldn’t know…


Poor poor Sigfred. :face_with_head_bandage:


Johnny Got His Gun anyone?

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Yeah the comic strip is from 1973 while the movie is from 1971, it’s probably a callback.


Ad Astra Scipio to Hannibal is a Japanese manga set during the 2nd Punic War that portrays the rivalry between the two generals, despite its origins I find this read quite accurate and respectful of the actual history, it also shows lesser known protagonists and aspects of this long war, expecially the part after Cannae.

The rivalry begins

Dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus

General Marcellus

Praetor Quintus Fulvius Flaccus and Carthaginian general Gisco


Captain America Comics #1 hit the newsstand on December 20, 1940, though cover dated March 1941.

The comic book industry in the United States did something other entertainment mediums did not at the time, took on the Axis powers, alas in fiction form. If it was not called Germans or Nazis or Japanese, they were given other names but readers knew who they were talking about. With a few exceptions, Hollywood and radio didn’t talk about the war much nor offered much opinion on the actions of the Axis or the Soviet Union either until after Pearl Harbor.

Simon and Kirby were first generation Americans of Jewish immigrant parents. They had kept aprised of what Hitler was up to and loathed him. They were fortunate to work in a medium that allowed them to express their anger towards him, right up to socking Hitler in the jaw.

The telling of fictional tales or WWII was big business after the war. Every company had a war title from the 50s through the 80s. The most acclaimed storywise was EC’s Frontline Combat and Two-Fisted Tales. DC took the hero tack with decades of Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank, Unknown Solider, Creature Commandos, The Losers, and a host of others lasted over 30 years in publications. Marvel did Sgt. Fury, of which post-war superspy Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. spun out of the series.

In the UK, Charley’s War is well reverred. Commando is still being published weekly to this day. And 2000 AD science fiction magazine that gave the world Judge Dredd also did the genre mash-up thing with Fiends of the Eastern Front, vampires meet the Eastern Front.

And since mash-ups are the rage, howabout some G. I. Zombie?