Germany as a target for the Atomic attack of 1945

I believe this is all part of it.
It just seems hard to believe that it is a total coincidence that a weapons system like the I-400 class sub, and it’s seaplanes… made to use biotoxic and chemical weapons on the USA and our allies being based/ built/ support by those two cities…

Maybe all of that is only because they were cities that were intact. Industrial bases not bombed that lead Japan to build such a weapon in those places.

On the other hand we’re going to learn that the USA had 100% decrypted all Japanese naval coded messages. The USA would’ve surely known what Japan had instore if we did not end the war and darn quick.

One last thing. It always struck me as odd that in the USA we’d speak of the nukes having hypothetically been used on Germany as somehow ok or better than using them on Japan. At the time Japan had 500 million people under the iron heel of their imperial boot.

The human mind is like that , sees patterns that do not exist.
They knew that invading the home islands would be with a lot of allied casualties , fighting fanatical that would rather take their own life then surrender , they already saw that civilians would also kill themselves .
Even if the people who decided where the bombs were to be dropped knew about the 3 I-400 subs I doubt they would see them as any threat .
If all the codes are broken and all radio signals can be read then finding the subs before they launch would also be possible

During the war the allies had no problem in going against conventions that stated that targeting of civilians was a not allowed with the bombing of cities and even going so far as to aim at starting firestorms in Germany and Japan
If the nukes were ready when there were still targets in Nazi Germany to drop them on they would have used them .

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Well, there us a point. At that point the atomic bomb was 239 B-29s and they could not be sure it was a war winner. Although Hiro Hito called it a World destroying weapon.

The Japanese had an atomic bomb program in Korea (Navy) and Tokyo which was wiped out with the bombings so they essentially knew what hit them. I think had the bomb arrived in Feb 1944 people would still think in terms of 239 B-29 or whatever delivery system they would use. That is the problem with these nukes stupid calculations can rationalize their use

I agree with you on the idea that the allies would have used those bombs on whichever Axis power was still belligerent at the time. The American way of war, at that time, I now realize had no real problem with brutalizing a civilian population. I won’t go into detail on it here, but our armies had to that time done the same on the American continent, even in our civil war. The good guys burned cities, looted, etc etc.

I am confident we would’ve used the atomic bombs to solve all of the problems.
I am confident if we had a second civl war we’d still use atomic bombs even on our own soil.

Would they have seen subs armed with biological and chemical weapons as a danger?

Consider the following. In WWI both sides experienced gas attacks. Hitler himself wrote of how horrible they were. Odds are many leaders on both sides had similar experiences. Diseases like Bubonic plague (the “bombs” were supposedly filled with plague fleas) were treatable with penicillin. Easy enough to find now. In 1945 how common was it? From what I have read penicillin was VERY new.

They would’ve seen it as a danger. To people of that time it would be like having an enemy with modified, weaponized, COVID-19 ready to deploy.

I do think they would’ve hunted down those subs like they were Red October though.

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Sadly true. In human terms if 1000 bombers drop 10 KT of explosives on your city over hours VS 1 dropping 1 10kt bomb how different can they seem.

If one ignores the after effects. They are very real with residents who were there and survived the bombing having about 50% more chance of dying of cancer over their lifespan. At the same time the general public tends to overestimate what nuclear weapons can do. Attributing to 1 single bomb the effects that were predicted from a cold war nuclear exchange.

For example, google “does Hirosima” then see what autocompletes. There are many people who think the city does not exist, has a crater, is still radioactive.

If Timeghost goes to Japan showing that the city exist and has millions of people, while also talking to survivors will open eyes to exactly how bad these weapons are, without needing to make a cartoon out of them.

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That might prove difficult. If you want to discuss the women and children who died in the attack, many are forthcoming. Just bring up the Korean and Chinese slave labor, the prisoners of war kept in those areas also affected by it and nobody will talk to you.

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I heard of a Japanese woman on the radio here who’se mother had a hell of a time as they authorities didnt believe she b1942 was in Hiroshima. But like most of Japan there are lots of mountains there, a lot of Hiroshimians lived on the other side of hills/mountains and were not directly effected.

Where the interviewer and she went stupid is that by saying that Racism was the ONLY reason Hiroshima was target and not Berlin. Some sort of woke thing but spoiler alert there is a little timeline issue with explains not nuking Berlin in August 1945 (hint). Apart what you think of it idiot arguments don’t really help! Understanding Calendars is quite an essential skill for understanding history and not to hard methinks!

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Kyoto was deliberately removed from the target list. Kyoto is the old capitol of Japan and it’s cultural heart. Destroying it would have likely just angered the Japanese into resisting till the very last man. Not so handy a target if you want to make them surrender.