Election 1944: Interval news

The Pittsburgh Press (July 15, 1944)

Many union demands expected –
Backpay decisions due shortly before election

Roosevelt will get retroactive wage cases as well as pay increase appeals
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Dewey to decide on Midwest tour

Editorial: More on Monroney and Gore

Millett: Voters’ talk isn’t idle

Men get serious about campaign
By Ruth Millett

President runs long shot risk for Wallace

Roosevelt silence stirs hopes of score
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

The Pittsburgh Press (July 16, 1944)

Wallace backers prepare for fight

Guffey puts self in the limelight
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Ohio soldier vote ruling enjoined

Poll: Wallace still choice of party rank and file

Barkley is second, but far behind
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Labor paper hits Biddle as ‘weak-kneed liberal’

Attorney General’s criticism of strikes during wartime begins stinging rebuke
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Guffey swings state’s votes to Wallace

His actions wraps up all 72 ballots
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Barkley silent on Vice Presidency

Young Democrats plan suggestions

Chinese is delegate to Chicago convention

Editorial: The candidate who wouldn’t ‘run’

The Pittsburgh Press (July 17, 1944)

Wallace to get one ballot shot then curtains

Roosevelt to send endorsement letter
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Wallace floors news cameraman, sits on chest, bargains for plate

Vice President angry over unwanted photo; handshakes follow hotel lobby battle

He filled the shoes

By Florence Fisher Parry


Maine delegation meets Governor Dewey

Albany, New York (UP) –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey, refreshed after a weekend at his Pawling farm, today resumed conferences with Republican Congressional representatives on organization of his campaign for the Presidency.

The Governor outlined what he believes will be the major issues of the campaign to Maine Congressmen, including Republican Senate Minority Leader Wallace H. White and asked their cooperation in the drive against the Roosevelt administration.

Governor Dewey, it was learned, argued that by coordinating the campaign for President and Vice President with the drives of candidates for Congress, the Republican Party will win complete control of the national government.

It was reliably reported the Governor will refrain from making any major political moves until after the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, except to announce the itinerary of his trip to the St. Louis Governors’ Convention.

Meanwhile, the Governor’s followers have made several direct appeals for support to Wendell L. Willkie without success. Mr. Willkie talked with some of the Congressmen who conferred with Mr. Dewey, but declined to give a clue as to what part he will play in the campaign.

Mr. Willkie told reporters:

I don’t want to say anything politically at this time. I don’t know when I will have anything to say.


Perkins: Independent union to do business with GOP and Democrats

Turndown for recognition by U.S. agencies leads them to work both sides of street
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Buffalo, New York –
A new labor complication appeared here today in the presidential campaign when the executive board of the Confederated Unions of America decided to go into politics on both sides of the fence to see what recognition they can get in governmental agencies for workers’ organizations not affiliated with the CIO or the AFL.

This followed the announcement by Donald F. Cameron, CUA secretary-treasurer, of the recipient of a copy of a letter by President Roosevelt denying the Independents’ demand for representation in War Labor Board membership, on the same basis as the AFL and CIO.

The confederation leaders, headed by Matthew Smith, under whose direction the Mechanics Educational Society closed down about 50 war plants last winter in strikes protesting what they called “official favoritism” for the CIO and AFL sent a telegram to Robert Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, in Chicago, criticizing the President’s stand and asking that some attention be given to the controversy in the party platform.

Speak for three million

They also authorized negotiations with representatives of Governor Dewey, the Republican nominee, aimed at having that party take up the fight of the Independents.

Mr. Cameron said:

We speak directly for a membership of 700,000 and indirectly for more than three million members of independent unions which do not desire to be a part of the CIO or the AFL. In a democracy, these people are entitled to their choice of a union, and they are guaranteed the right under the National Labor Relations Act.

But when labor membership on the War Labor Board and other federal agencies dealing with labor questions is restricted to the organizations with which we are in competition, there is certainly a case of discrimination against the independent unions.

Mr. Roosevelt’s letter was addressed to Senator Elbert Thomas (D-UT), chairman of the Senate Education and Labor Committee, who presented the Independents’ plea after saying “these people have a cause the justice of which it is impossible to deny.”

Informed of hearings

The President’s letter said:

I am informed that the War Labor Board has held a series of conferences with representatives of some of the independent unions… and announced a five-point program intended to eliminate some of the disadvantages which independent unions have claimed to experience.

This program includes the designation of staff members at the National and Regional War Labor Boards to serve as liaison officers for independent unions and also provides that independent unions may have representation on tripartite dispute panels and on the sub-board committees which present cases to the national board for final determination.

The board also has reiterated its policy of equal treatment to all unions, whether affiliated or independent, and promised to take prompt and appropriate action whenever unfair organizing tactics based on the claim of preferred treatment are brought to its attention.

Record consistent

The President’s letter continued:

I am likewise informed that the board has found no evidence in its records of discriminatory treatment of cases of independent unions as compared with affiliated unions. Such a record is consistent with my designation of the labor members as individuals representing all labor, including workers in unaffiliated unions and workers not organized at all.

Under these circumstances I am not persuaded that any change in… the membership of the board is required at this time.


America Firsters to back Wheeler

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
Gerald L. K. Smith, self-styled “America First crusader,” predicted today that a meeting of nationalists he has called for tonight would go on record favoring Senator Burton K. Wheeler (D-MT) for the Democratic nomination for President.

Mr. Smith, who has organized his own America First Party in Michigan but is seeking to influence both the Democratic and Republican nominations and platforms, said that if the major parties fail to accede to nationalist demands, he will call a national convention of his organization in August.

Candidate goes voteless in own district

Salem, Massachusetts (UP) –
Ellsworth Y. Blenkhorn, a war worker, beaten, 936–21, for Republican Congressional nomination in Massachusetts’ 14th district, was considering demanding a recount. He’s sure he had more than 21 votes, he said. Returns from his own precincts showed 0. And he knows of at least two ballots cast for him – his own and his wife’s.


Farm leaders urge adequate price plank

Foreign policy session may start Wednesday

Democratic Convention program

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
The schedule of the Democratic National Convention (all times CWT):

10:00 a.m.: Platform hearings begin.
3:30 p.m.: DNC meetings.

More committee meetings on platform and other matters.

11:30 a.m.: Organizational meeting of convention to appoint committees and temporary officers.

8:15 p.m.: Addresses by DNC Chairman Robert E. Hannegan, Director of the Women’s Division Mrs. Charles W. Tillett and Oklahoma Governor Robert S. Kerr, temporary chairman and convention keynoter.

11:30 a.m.: Address by Permanent Convention Chairman Senator Samuel D. Jackson of Indiana. Adoption of platform and other committee reports.

8:15 p.m.: Addresses by Mrs. Helen Gahagan Douglas (movie actress and vice chairman of California State Democratic Committee), Quentin Reynolds (war correspondent). Nomination of presidential candidate.

11:30 a.m.: Selection of vice-presidential candidate.

8:15 p.m.: Final session – adoption of resolutions of thanks to the host city (although it is unofficial, it is expected that President Roosevelt will address the closing session by radio).

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
Farm leaders today urged the Democratic National Convention platform committee to adopt an agriculture plank calling for the development of an economy of plenty with employment for all.

Witnesses rushed their presentations on the insistence of Committee Chairman John W. McCormack of Massachusetts, who was determined to finish all domestic business by Tuesday night so Wednesday may be devoted exclusively to the vital foreign policy plank. In fact, the essence of the platform has already been drafted in a form agreeable to President Roosevelt.

Urging adequate farm prices and “an economy of plenty that makes full employment possible,” Albert S. Goss of the National Grange told the committee that “we must avert the tragic error of allowing abundance to destroy its producer.”

Pressure groups cited

In addition to asking a full share for farmers in the post-war economy, James G. Patton of the National Farmers Union hit at Congressional action which has limited lending functions and the tenant purchase program of the Farm Security Administration.

Mr. Patton charged that FSA functions were curtailed because it “has been vilified and misrepresented” by “pressure groups” profiting at the expense of the family type farmer who is the backbone of the nation’s economy.

W. Kerr Scott, North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture (representing the Agriculture Commissions’ Association), asked the committee to recommend legislation setting a definite formula “to determine agriculture prices in relation to wages of labor and prices of consumer goods.” He asked that the legislation specify that jurisdiction of the price formula be under the Secretary of Agriculture.

News rights requested

Kent Cooper, general manager of the Associated Press, asked that the Democrats declare themselves in favor of a “worldwide right” of news services and newspapers “to gather and distribute news without government interference.”

The Platform Committee was also urged to favor reducing the legalized voting age from 21 to 18 years of age, and to give residents of the District of Columbia the right to vote.

Rep. Jennings Randolph (D-WV), chairman of the House District of Columbia Committee, said the Republicans had failed to heed the pleas of District residents at their convention and urged the Democrats to take advantage of this oversight.

1,000-word platform

Although Party Chairman Robert E. Hannegan denied he had brought from Washington a platform draft with President Roosevelt’s okay on it, there was little doubt that the sort of document desired by the President has been pretty well settled on.

It will be short – perhaps only 1,000 words; its domestic sections will be largely a pointing-with-pride to the administration’s record and most of it will be devoted to war policies and pledges for international collaboration to maintain peace.

Chairman McCormack said the group will meet tonight to hear all who want to appear, go over statements, and whip the party declaration into final shape.

Other scheduled to be heard today or tonight are Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller of the National Women’s Party, Miss Bertha Van Hoosen of the American Medical Association for women, and Miss Agnes Nestor of the National Women’s Trade Union League, on the proposed Equal Rights Amendment for women.

Negro rights next

After them will be witnesses on advancement of Negroes, which will bring up the proposal to create a permanent Fair Employment Practices Committee – a red flag to many Southerners.

The National Negro Council yesterday voted to demand an equal rights program with teeth in it that will include struct enforcement of the Supreme Court decision in the Texas case giving Negroes the right to vote in primaries, a permanent FEPC, anti-lynching legislation, repeal of poll taxes by constitutional amendment, and a “G.I. Bill of Rights” for Negro war veterans to protect them from lynching, discrimination and assure equal civil rights.

Stokes: How strong does Roosevelt go for Wallace in letter?

That’s the $64 question that nobody can answer because that missive is ‘missing’
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer


Allen: Dewey’s eye on President’s chair, but look what Roosevelt has on it

By Gracie Allen

Chicago, Illinois –
Well, here I am back in Chicago to report anther political convention. This time, the Democrats are going to meet and try to figure out how to keep Mr. Dewey out of the White House.

The Democrats I’ve seen so far don’t seem to look very worried. I guess they figure that if Dewey has his eye on that presidential chair… look what Roosevelt has on it. I asked someone if the Roosevelts owned the White House and they said “No.” Too bad – think of the rent they could have saved.

And, by the way, this time my husband, George Burns, is with me. I was afraid George might object to my working as a newspaper reporter. The average husband doesn’t like his wife to work. But then George always has been above average in that respect.

I’m awfully glad George is with me. He can give me wonderful political advice. You see, back in Los Angeles, George ran for the office of second assistant substitute city councilman from the 3rd district, and he only got one vote, so he can sort of give me the Republican outlook on things.

I was shocked when I arrived in Chicago to see some Republicans still here from their convention. At first, I thought perhaps they had been left behind to fight a delaying action – plant booby traps, etc. But upon questioning them, I found they just haven’t been able to get train reservations out of town. One Republican finally got a lower berth, but meantime he had sent his laundry to be done. He’ll be lucky if he gets home in time to vote.

I only hope the Democrats send as many handsome men to Chicago as the Republicans did. My, those Republicans were good-looking. Still, I guess a 12-year vacation would put any man in the pink.

Now, as I told you before in my column, I don’t pretend to know anything about politics. I’ll just report what I see and hear. I heard one man say that Roosevelt undoubtedly would be the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, but that they might have trouble finding him a running mate.

Well, my goodness, I don’t know where you could find anyone who does more running than the mate he has now. She’s always on the go.

That’s all for now – more political news tomorrow.