September 25, 1940
Hyde Park, Tuesday –
Here it is Tuesday and I must begin by telling you of a picnic which we had at Hyde Park on Sunday. You have probably read in the papers about how many distinguished people came to share our chowder and frankfurters at my cottage, so I will just tell you one thing which made me glow with pride. F. P. A. remarked, holding a paper cup in his hand:
This is good coffee, I never take coffee outside of my own home because it is usually bad.
Even though I had to tell him that Miss Thompson was responsible, for she is the person who really cares about coffee, I still felt a pride in having someone around who insisted on perfection, or as near perfection as she could attain in the way of coffee.
I understand that F. P. A. is running for election on the school board in his very Republican Connecticut District, and I sincerely hope he is elected. I can imagine no one who would be a more valuable member of any school board.
Everyone seemed relaxed and at ease. Even Katharine Hepburn, who landed in a seaplane in the Hudson River at the foot of our place and dashed a mile and a half through the woods to the big house, found the President to bring her over to the picnic.
I said goodbye to the President Sunday night because he returned to Washington last night, while I left Hyde Park early Monday morning. I drove to Scranton, Pa., where I had promised to spend several hours visiting WPA projects. Something went wrong with the starter on my car and Monday started badly in consequence. I am always ashamed to know so little about the insides of my car.
However, though I wasted an hour, I had allowed a good deal of extra time and reached Stranton on schedule. The day was interesting and we reached Mrs. John Regis’ (June Hamilton Rhodes) home for dinner and the night. Her farmhouse is a joy and the farm a most interesting and practical business venture. We were up early this morning to see the cattle and are now on our way to Hyde Park.
By the way, I must not forget that this is Better Parenthood Week., and that I want to extend my congratulations to Miss Katharine Lenroot, Chief of the United States Children’s Bureau, who was awarded the annual medal for outstanding service to children, given every year by Parent’s Magazine.
It was presented to her on September 23, at a luncheon which opened Better Parenthood Week. The object of this week, which is sponsored by the Chief of the United States Children’s Bureau and the leading parent education and child welfare organizations, is to improve the knowledge of mothers so that they may be able to make better homes for their children.