Good documentary on the USA after World War 2 which also incudes terrorist/anarchist bombings, returning US Soldiers on the breadlines etc etc. Worth a watch in my humble view
I don’t recommend it. It’s nice to see colorized footage of the '20s, but I find its historicity rather faulty and its presentation somewhat manipulative – especially when the documentary discusses race relations of the '20s, the Coolidge administration and the government’s response to the market crash of '29. You can talk about them without going full Sparty; just as an example, see my reply to TG’s racism video:
Thanks for your feedback and extra info. I am no expert on the USA in the 1920s. I really appreciate a counterargument. Come to think of it I saw the Smithsonian People filming in 2016 together with the Weapons Hunter and they seem to be more interested in exciting picture and were conspicuously not present at the actual training on how to use a Norden, set the intervalator, escape raft and radios and some other stuff.
That would be a big topic on its own The doc’s that faulty. I’d have to do it point by point, like my reactions to Sparty’s videos. I would also have to debunk or rectify at least some well-known talking points still used as fact. For instance, what happened at Tulsa is already terrifying enough, but ideologues always seek to make it worse than it actually was for political points (see Tom Hanks’ statement on it being only taught now, which is funny because I learned about it in high school… in the early '90s).